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4 Persuasion Techniques That Can Turn Nothing Into Something

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By : Saqib Khan    29 or more times read
Submitted 2011-09-28 12:48:42
Knowing certain persuasion techniques when it comes to advertising and marketing can definitely help you in clinching more leads, more sales or both. Have you ever heard somebody talking positively about someone else! For example saying something along the lines of 'Michael was once a nobody but now he has made a name for himself and is doing really well in life.' A similar thing applies here because when you are new to marketing or advertising, some people may see you as a nobody from a marketing perspective because you are a complete beginner, have no experience and have no credibility. They mean no disrespect to you, but sometimes that is just the way it is simply because nobody knows who you are. In this article, I will be talking about a similar thing and sharing 4 persuasion techniques with you that really can turn nothing into something.

The 4 persuasion techniques

One of the first persuasion techniques and these are not in any order by the way, is the feature of testimonials. Why do you think so many big organisations and network marketing companies use testimonials in their advertising campaigns? Why do you think so many network marketers and business affiliates use testimonials on their sales pages? Using these is so powerful and is one of the best things you could ever do if you want to sell your product or want people to join you in something. The better your testimonials are, the higher the interest levels will be of your reader or audience. Getting their interest levels high is crucial because this is what will help you in persuading them to make the purchase.

Using emotional words in your advertising

Including emotional words is another one of the persuasion techniques that will help you in turning either you or your product from nothing to something. Emotional words play a large role in advertising because they are the words that will appeal to your reader or audience, and will also help you because they will be more inclined to take you up on your offer. Many people have problems in business, life, work and in many other areas, and by offering solutions to their problems and making that emotional connection, it will be more than enough to tip the scales into your favour and get that person on to your side. You can use words like pain, pleasure, save time, save money, make money, freedom, results, success etc.

There is no harm in repeating yourself

Another one of the persuasion techniques that you should keep in mind is the usage of repetition. By that I do not mean constantly repeating the same word or phrase after 10 seconds if you are doing video marketing, or in every sentence if you are doing article marketing. Overstuffing words and using them to the point where you sound like a broken record player will not help you in any way. The way to use repetition is at the beginning, the middle and the end. Also this repetition should only be related to the benefits of your product or business. For example if you want leads, you should only repeat the benefits of this three times and not after every other sentence. The more natural you or your information sounds, the more beneficial it will be for you.

One of the final persuasion techniques that you can incorporate in to your advertising is the usage of social media. By using social media in a way where it shows that everybody is buying your product or joining you in business, it may end up creating a wave of social pressure where your reader will feel pressurized by your products benefits, opportunity and wide appeal and because they see so many other people taking action, they too may jump on the bandwagon and take the same action which will bring you more recognition and more money and this is why this is one of the most simple yet effective persuasion techniques. However, I'm not a big fan of copying the masses and wouldn't really recommend it because it is the masses in network marketing who fail and quit and then decide to bitch and moan about their failure and how the industry is a scam. However in this case, I believe the story and situation is a little different so using social media and social attention to get people on the bandwagon is strongly encouraged. Besides we all know social media is blowing up so why not take advantage?

They are the 4 techniques that if you take note of and incorporate in to your advertising, will definitely help in persuading people to take action on whatever it is you are offering. Do not underestimate these guys because even though they seem and appear to be simple, they still have the potential and power to make a huge difference. So start using these persuasion techniques from today and see the difference they make as time goes on. :-)

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Overall, taking in and actually using the information I have shared with you regarding these 4 persuasion techniques will definitely help you in focusing and getting results as time goes on instead of being like the masses and quitting. Click on the following link right now and watch a FREE webinar on just one way of how you can start to get home based business leads and use these techniques and begin to succeed in network marketing from network marketing mentor Saqib Khan.

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