A lot of people would like to attend medical school but it can be difficult to choose where you will be going. Numerous schools have a preference for their students to come from in state and also maybe you want to stay near your family. Regardless of what your reason, if you would like to attend medical school in Tennessee, you must search no farther.
You will find 4 distinct medical schools in Tenessee: East Tennessee State University, Meharry Medical College, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Tennessee. All of them offer the MD degree.
East Tennessee State University can be found in Johnson City, TN. They provide a number of dual degrees including the medical scientist training course, along with just the MD This could allow you to more marketable later on. This medical school rates highly in the US News Report on higher education, meaning it is a top quality establishment.
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine is found in Nashville, Tennessee. This university has been functioning since 1875! They have a lot of dual degree possibilities such as the medical scientist training routine. Vanderbilt ranks extremely high in lots of classifications in the US News and World Report.
Meharry Medical College is a smaller, private medical school found in Nashville, TN. They also offer a medical scientist training program.
The last medical school is the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center. Located in Memphis, TN, this program allows you to study for the MD degree or even the medical scientist training course with a dual MD/PHD.
As you have seen, even if you were to stay in Tenessee, you continue to have quite a few options for your college degree. Between private and public schools, a simple MD degree and a dual degree in everything from Biomedical research to Public Health to Divinity Studies. Best of luck in the college search!