Are you aware that there exist sixty higher educational institutions in Kentucky? Out of this, there are just 3 medical schools in Kentucky. Two of these schools deliver the MD qualification the other provides the Doctor of Osteopathy course. These colleges are important, as Kentucky needs rural doctors. Because of this, many of these universities will offer preference to students who promise to remain in Kentucky after their education is through.
The Pikeville Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine offers the DO (Doctor of osteopathy) degree. DO degree recipients are treated on the same quality as MDs. They can be full qualified doctors after a residency and internship. In order to get into Pikeville, you need to have taken Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English courses.
The University of Louisville provides the MD degree. They are ranked in the US News best schools for medicine in the Best Research category. They also offer several dual degree programs. You can get both an Medical doctor as well as an MBA (Master of Business Administration), MS (Master of Science) in Clinical Investigation, or MPH (Master of Public Health), etc.
The University of Kentucky School of Medicine additionally gives the MD degree. Additionally they give out many dual degree choices if the individual is interested. They also include an extremely uncommon 7 year BS/MD course for highly competent high-school graduates. It is ideal for those who know from high-school that they desire to be a physician and have outstanding grades. They also provide a tuition assurance plan. No matter the tuition is the year you start, it will remain for all 4 years. This makes it easier to plan financially.
Whichever university you decide on in Kentucky, know that you will be truly helping the nearby citizens around you. It really is a noble and also difficult choice to become a doctor, congratulations on yours.