Virginia has 5 medical schools in it, this is a good number in comparison to its neighbor states that only have between one and four. You are probably considering going to a Virginia medical school because you live in Virginia, or you reside in a nearby state and wish to increase your chances of entering medical school. Four of these schools offer the MD degree and one offers the DO degree.
East Virginia medical school provides the MD degree and also a combined MD/MPH. The institution also trains physical therapists, physician's assistants as well as art therapists.
The University of Virginia school of medicine offers the MD degree and also a joined MD/PhD in a medical scientist training course. They are also listed in the United States News for Best Research and Best Primary Care.
The Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine is considered one of the oldest medical schools in the country, it was established in 1838! They provide the MD degree and also many different combination degrees. If you participate in the MD/PhD program, you may be eligible for tuition remission and a stipend. They are also ranked in the US News Report being a best medical school for each of these- Primary Care and Research.
The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine is quite a new medical school having been founded in 2007. They only offer the MD degree. Not much else is known regarding this school because the first session has yet to graduate.
The last school is the Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine. This school offers the DO degree. They also offer 2 dual degrees DO/MBA (Masters of Business Administration) and DO/MPH (Masters of Public Health).
These are all renowned schools to study. Virginia offers you numerous options in your medical school, make sure to look into each of them carefully before making your final decisions.