Have you considered taking a look at the wide world of eBook publishing? If you haven t, you might be missing out! There are lots of profitable opportunities for the right eBook, and they are easier than ever to publish. But in order to do it correctly, you need to pick the right eBook publishing topic or niche. Part of niche building is knowing what will appeal to the target audience. Here s a look at three things you should pay attention to when choosing your eBook topic.
1. Target popular hobby subjects.
Take a look around eBay and other sites for really popular hobby areas, check out what s being published in magazines and on forums about hobbies, and find a hot and growing topic that lots of people are interested in. Hobbyists tend to be really enthusiastic about their interests, and are likely to want to know what you have to say especially if it s something new. Take a little time to research what s hot now, and become the authority on the subject. It ll be great for your niche building efforts.
2. Avoid worn out topics.
Sure, it s tempting to try to imitate the current best sellers in the eBook publishing world, but stop and think. How long did it take those publishers to produce and market their eBooks, and how long will it take you to produce and market yours? There s a good chance you re jumping on the bandwagon entirely too late, and will just end up being a sad imitator of a current trend. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing now; spend some effort trying to exploit a new market niche. Many times, smaller niches are easier to market into and produce just as much revenue in a shorter time. This means looking at what people in your niche are talking about and interested in. Many new software tools are available to help you in your search for the perfect niche. They will often indicate not only the size of the niche but the profit potential as well.
3. Examine the competition.
That might sound like it contradicts point number two above, but it doesn t. Staying aware of what your eBook publishing competitors are doing, tells you what the reader is really interested in. There s a good chance you want something similar, but it s probably not identical. You may want to consider segmenting the niche. Being similar to, but not identical to the market leaders is one good way to choose topics that you know will appeal to the eBook readers. After all, sometimes a topic hasn t been exploited because no one knows of its readership appeal, but sometimes it s because no one cares. So be careful! Use a free software tool like Google’s traffic indicator to check out the size of the market before you start writing
Your eBook topic should be selected carefully. If you don t get the right niche, your chances of success are reduced. Fortunately, a little bit of research can go a long way, and will make a huge difference in whether you succeed or not. Take a little time to find out what your audience wants, use the latest and greatest software tools and your niche building efforts will be rewarded.
Author Resource:
Larry Vingelman is a well known business consultant and publisher. Go to http://www.ebook-publishing-system.com for a free chapter download of his new eBook "How to Create Wealth Publishing eBooks". Also available is a free financial template detailing eBook publishing profitability.