If you are interested in applying to medical schools, you will first need to find out what the majority of these schools require prior to consideration for entry. The medical school requirements usually involve such things like a degree, some classes, tests, and extracurricular activities.
First of all, you typically require to obtain an undergraduate degree prior to admission. Some schools will accept a well qualified candidate with 90 credits, and some schools have BS/MD courses which takes students straight from high school, but typically, you should be getting a Bachelor's degree during application. However, a superior degree will not affect your chances.
Next you will need to be sure that you take specific science classes. Most potential medical students will handle this by majoring in biology or chemistry, or undertaking a pre-med course at their school. The student generally has to take biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and calculus courses in order to apply.
All prospective medical students also need to take the MCAT exam. This exam assesses you in the sciences as well as reading comprehension. An excellent score on this exam can surely help boost your chances of getting into a competitive school. A large number of students take courses to help them improve their scores. There are also numerous good study guides out there.
Extra-curricular activities are essential for admission into a competitive medical school. The schools mostly look for health associated activities. Working in a health center, as an EMT, or nurse can help immensely. Volunteer work may also be helpful to your application. Although shadowing doctors can be nice experience for you, it usually does not count as extra-curricular activity.
When you have done all of these things, and obviously, gotten high grades all along, then you should have an excellent, competitive application for getting into a good medical school.