There are 2 medical schools in Mississippi. One offers the DO (Doctor of Osteopathy) degree and the other one provides the MD (Medical Doctor) degree. Even though these are both excellent schools to choose from, you don't have much choice, you may want to look out of Mississippi for other schools to apply for too.
The first school is the University of Mississippi Medical School. This particular school is situated in Jackson, Mississippi. They provide the MD degree as well as a combined MD/PhD program. They also provide a special MD/OMS (Oral Maxillofacial Surgery) degree. Just like many other medical schools, their applications are processed from the AMCAS system. Along with the normal science requirements, this school also has specific math and English course requirements too. Did you know that this was the first school to complete a human lung transplant?
The next school is the William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine. This is the first college in the area to offer a doctor of osteopathy degree. It was founded very recently, in the year 2008. They also provide a master's degree for students planning to improve their medical school applications. They accept applications via AACOM, which processes applications for many osteopathic schools. They need equivalent courses just like any other medical school might.
These are both great schools to select in Mississippi. Now, you may be wondering why one might choose to move to Mississippi if you are not from around there. Mississippi is an extremely interesting state. Wish to know some great information about it? For example, the Mississippi River is the largest in the U.S and is nicknamed 'Old Man River'. Root Beer was invented in Biloxi, Mississippi. Mississippi has got the international Checker's Hall of Fame. Agriculture is a huge part of Mississippi's economic climate. Soybeans and Cotton are their biggest crops. Because they are such a major farming state, there is immense need here for rural doctors.