Cosmic Convergence Accelerates Epochal Change On Planet Earth
What happens when an unparalleled Solar Maximium occurs while Pluto is cruising through Capricorn, seismic activity and vulcanism (both undersea and on land) have already seen a dramatic uptick, technospheric breakdown has greatly accelerated, entire species have vacated our planet as whole ecosystems are irreparably destroyed, global java prices appears as global warming, cooling, drought or deluge, and the worldwide financial system is near collapse, as in a total and handle, irreversible monetary meltdown? Believe it or not, these actual occurrences as well as eventualities are the very least of our problems. Here's why: There are certain 'progressive' developments and converging circumstances that may dictate the course of our future as being a planetary civilization and human race - the 5th root race[1] to have inhabited planet Earth since it has revolved around the sun. That which will serve to "accelerate epochal change" like no other major precipitating cause could be summed up as follows:
"When scientific knowledge and applied technology reach a particular level of advancement, without being informed by spiritual truths and guided by moral authority, the actual civilization will relinquish its right to continue as it is."
Truly, the maximum determinant of the immediate future of humanity could be the extent to which science and technology - unalloyed to ethical and moral considerations - always challenge what has historically fallen from the "domain of the gods". The ancient Greeks had some very poignant mythical legends which clearly spell out the relevant lesson for humankind in regards to the aforementioned prophecy.
Perhaps the story of Icarus, flying too closely for the Sun with his wax wings, can be an apt metaphor for the current direction that the civilization is heading in. Certainly it could represent the way humankind has approached so many new and diverse untested technologies, along with countless scientific applications available throughout the world. For as long as his story continues to be told, Icarus has served being a tragic mythological example of hubris and failed ambition.
There are many practical reasons why specific cosmological and natural laws are laid down with the inception of each human race that populates the globe. Planet Earth does not exist in isolation because it concerns the rest of the Solar System, or even the Milky Way Galaxy for that matter. Actually there are many established, as well as some not so well understood, relationships available between Earth and its planetary neighbors. What occurs here on our blue orb does modify the other heavenly bodies much more than we realize, and visa versa. Obviously, astrology enthusiasts understand that were only stating the obvious
Therefore, when the scientists on Earth start to push beyond the acceptable limits, not only about this orb but also in ways that impact our sister planets, you will see blowback effects which are as inescapable since they are highly consequential. The etheric civilizations, which inhabit other planets, have their own destinies, their unique karma, and their own right to evolve without intrusion from earthly influences. Clearly, those intrusions are in an unprecedented crescendo because of the amount of spiritually uninformed and wantonly unethical scientific achievements and technological leaps felt by the current race of humanity.
This situation cannot continue. However, before we explore why this can be a case, let's take a closer look at the various layers of meaning surrounding this unfolding Cosmic Convergence.
To begin with, just what is Cosmic Convergence?
Cosmic Convergence refers back to the convergence of multiple events and happenings, signs and omens, and established trends and trajectories throughout consume interpenetrating realms of Planet Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy, along with the Universe. "As above, so below " sums up the cosmic nature of this regularly occurring cycle since it serves to greatly "accelerate epochal transformation". The resulting procedure for transmogrification will be so thorough and undeviating in nature that the existing civilization will effectively disappear in its current form!
However, as with any the great movements of one era to a higher, this planetary metamorphosis is occurring in fits and starts alternating using a seeming slowness and surety, which confounds reason as much as it does expectation. Nevertheless, whether the thing is the tip of the iceberg or glimpse the mass of ice below the surface, this cosmic convergence will inexorably make itself known in each and every sphere of life and so on every square inch of the globe.
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