I've been focusing a lot on SEO strategies lately. A lot is changing recently especially in terms of SEO and what is going to contiue to work for you and your MLM marketing strategies. I want people to be able to get the greatest leverage they can in a safe and sustainable fashion online for their efforts.
I really try intently to simplify concepts and theory so people's heads don't start to barbecue when we are talking about some advanced methods and the tech lingo that accompanies them. Too many people assume that because you are marketing online you are suddenly some kind of tech Guru and SEO Genius.
Nothing could be further from the truth for many Mlm online marketers. The standard leans toward 90% of your group being brand new to the business at any given time. That not only means they are newbie entrepreneurs in a brand new industry, but if you are teaching them online marketing on top of it, the chance for overpowering them can be generous.
So keep it simple guys. Don't conjecture that if you don't take people by the hand and show them carefully and slowly in workshop type methods that they are going to be able to grasp what you are doing or even want to attempt it. Techno-jargon wire head stuff may be threatening for most souls.
Obviously getting people started quickly, easily, and generating them some immediate results and then getting that to duplicate virally is your first priority. In my team we employ a strategy to get you online and making money in as soon as 15 minutes of joining. If you don't believe me follow the link below in this article. That is rarely duplicable online. It's dark ops kind of stuff! But if you choose to employ just such a strategy then you must make it super easy to duplicate for your team. Make sure it is so clear cut and friendly to apply that an 8 or an 80 year old can apply it. People want and need the sureness that a hands on step by step approach insures. It's soothing and valuable.
People are going to end up sticking and desiring the top Guru type training from you one day, and if you want to be a shepherd and produce a large crew in this industry you must transfer that training either yourself or through 3rd party resources. If you won't your team will go elsewhere for what they have eyes for.
You should be providing this training in either case just so long as it doesn't become a nuisance and an interference to the output and development of your sales force. The only way to do that is to apply simple leverage. Develop systems and trainings or follow systems and strategies that work for your outfit.
You should encourage and train the leading-edge strategies of Mlm and internet marketing, but make it simple, easy, and practical for anyone to employ. Offer that kind of value for your team and their new prospects and your team will flourish and thrive. Become the great equalizer. the tech tamer. the guy who makes it all easy applicable and fun. Offer that kind of value to people and they will follow and delight in you.
I will be organizing all this wonderful SEO learning and training into a video seminar training soon that will be available to my team and those I consider to be a little more of my inner Multi level marketing family. If you want to come inside this circle and taste our team training benefits then opt into the form on the blog page for more.
Author Resource:
Come and find out how to get making money online in 15 minutes: Make Money Online In Under 15 Minutes and come to my blog site and opt in for the SEO master training : Dave Schlueter's Online Prosperity Blog