Auto insurance is one of those major monthly expenses that can put a gaping hole in your budget, but there are ways to reduce your car insurance premiums. The television ads for cheap automobile insurance for various companies have made a few of those discounts pretty well known: safe driver discounts and multiple car discounts, for example. There are, however, some common vehicle insurance discounts that aren't as well publicized. If you qualify for them, you can save a pretty penny on your car insurance each year.
Low Mileage Discount
When you apply for auto insurance, you'll usually be asked to estimate the number of miles you expect to drive over the course of the year. That's because insurance companies know that the more you drive your car, the higher the chance of you being involved in an automobile accident go. Nearly every car insurance company has a low mileage discount that they can apply to your insurance premium - if they know that you don't drive your car a lot. If you don't drive your car often or if the amount of mileage you put on your car changes significantly, check with your insurance agent to find out how to qualify for the low mileage discount.
Good Grade Discount
If you're a high school or college student, or have a driver on your insurance policy who is, you may qualify for a good grades discount for keeping your grades at or above a certain level. Some insurance companies have learned that A and B students tend to have fewer accident claims than those with lower grades, and they'll pass the savings on to you with a discount on your car insurance.
Multiple Lines Discount
Do you have life insurance and homeowner's insurance from a company that also offers auto insurance? There's a good chance that you're eligible for a multiple lines discount if you buy your car insurance from the same company. Don't just assume that it will be cheaper, though - always get insurance quotes and compare rates before you make your decision.
Deductible Reductions
Many auto insurance companies offer a reduction in your deductible or accident forgiveness instead of giving you a cash discount on your insurance premium. Depending on the situation, these can be more valuable than an actual discount - if you have an accident or need to file a claim. Essentially, instead of reducing the amount you pay each month, the insurance company is saying, "For each year you don't file a claim, we'll give you this consideration," with the considerations ranging from a $100 reduction of your deductible to reducing the impact of filing a claim on your insurance premium. If you don't make a claim, you don't save anything. If, on the other hand, you do have an accident, you can save up to several hundred dollars in deductibles you don't have to pay.
Monitored Driving Discount
Some insurance companies offer a discount if you install certain kinds of equipment in your automobile. The latest wrinkle on this type of discount is a monitored driving discount. You allow the insurance company to install a driving monitor in your vehicle. In return, you get a hefty discount on your premium. It's only available in some states or may only be available for teenage drivers, but the discount can be worth giving up a little bit of privacy.
Before you accept an auto insurance quote and sign on the dotted line, ask your agent about any car insurance discounts you may not know about. When budgets are tight, every little bit helps.
Author Resource:
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.