When it comes to buying auto insurance, it never hurts to ask about auto insurance discounts. Speak up if you think you're eligible for discounts on auto insurance. When you're comparing quotes, if an insurer doesn't know you're eligible, they may not let you know that you may qualify for an auto insurance discount. And don't forget that it varies from carrier to carrier. Different insurance companies have different rules on discounts, so if you're eligible for a discount from one company, you may not be eligible for a discount from another company.
Multi-Policy and Multi-Car Discounts
Another way to get a discount is through multiple policies with the same carrier. If you have three cars insured by three different insurers, ask your insurance companies if they offer a discount for insuring multiple cars. Many of them do. In fact, some insurance companies will write a policy that covers all cars at a rate that's cheaper than if they wrote multiple separate policies. If your homeowner's insurance company offers car insurance, be sure to ask them if they offer discounts on automobile insurance if you insure with them. If you have other insurance policies, such as policies on boats, campers, or recreational vehicles, ask them about multi-policy discounts as well.
Anti-Theft and Safety Discounts
If you need to insure a car that has certain safety features like automatic seatbelts or front or side airbags, ask if a prospective insurer offers discounts for having these safety features. Additionally, if you have installed an anti-theft device, alarm system, or GPS tracking system, you may qualify for a lower rate on your car insurance. For aftermarket installations like these, you'll be asked to provide proof that you have added these anti-theft features to your car before you qualify for the discount. Insurance companies generally like it when drivers have cars with extra safety and security features and will offer discounts due to the lower risk these vehicles present.
Discounts for Being a Good Driver or Good Student
Have a great driving record? You may qualify for discounts on auto insurance. The same is often true for drivers who are good students. Generally speaking, drivers with a clean driving record and good grades present a lower statistical risk to insurance companies. As a result, many insurance companies are willing to reward these drivers with discounted rates. While the company can check your driving history with law enforcement agencies, they will require you to submit your transcripts or report cards in order to offer you a good student discount.
Discounts for Completion of Driving Courses
Parents of new drivers often discover that they can get lower car insurance rates for their child if the teen completes an accredited driver's education course, whether through a private company or through their school. But it isn't just high school students who benefit from driver education courses. Organizations such as the American Association of Retired People sometimes offer refresher driving courses and driver safety courses that result in car insurance discounts for mature drivers who successfully complete them. Ask your insurance carrier if they offer discounts for completing driver education courses and if so, what documentation they need in order to implement the discount. The cumulative effect of several auto insurance discounts can ultimately mean significant savings to you.
Author Resource:
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.