There is pretty much the same amount of water in the World as there ever has been, trouble is that there are now over 7 billion of us whereas 100 years ago that figure was around 1.6 billion. So, the same water has to be shared by more than 4 times as many people. And it’s not stopping there. Forecasts are that by 2050 there will be 9.3 billion inhabitants of planet Earth. We can no longer take our natural resources for granted. Don’t even begin to consider oil, gas, electricity or food until you’ve thought about water. No longer will you be able to turn on a tap without thinking about the consequences of overuse especially when you consider that people in rich countries use 10 times more water than those in poor ones.
As sure as eggs is eggs the only way to control water abuse will be to increase the amount of money we pay for it. The simple economic rules of ‘price’ affecting ‘demand’ is the only way we have of ensuring that the decreasing water supply per capita is carefully controlled. Changes in our lifestyle and technology mean that we are using a lot more water than ever before. Increased use of dishwashers, power showers and washing machines are pushing our water supplies to the limit. As ever, the solution to this critical environmental and social problem is that we must change the way we live.
There are many water saving tips to be had throughout all walks of our lives from personal hygiene in the bathroom to cleaning in the kitchen however let’s focus on an easy ‘quick fix’ that every right minded socially responsible member of our communities should be implementing straight away â€" rain storage in the garden â€" water butts. If every household in the UK got a standard sized water butt this would save approximately 30,000 million litres of water each summer. That’s a lot of water. Have a look at , they’ve got a good selection of water butts and all the accessories you need to set up a substantial rain saving system.
The British have a love affair with their gardens. It is their public display of personality and social standing for all to see. We can still tend to our beautiful lawns, borders and allotments whilst conserving water by collecting the rain from our roofs. Plants prefer rain water with its balanced pH level, which has not been treated with Liquified Chlorine, Fluorosilicic Acid, Aluminium Sulphate, Calcium Hydroxide, Sodium Silicofluoride, wouldn’t you?
By the way, as well as collecting your own rain water, here’s a few more tips for water conservation in the garden;
· Water your garden during the evening or late afternoon when it's cooler to help reduce evaporation
· Mulch your garden with tree bark, coconut compost etc. to prevent evaporation
· Clean paths and driveways with a brush not a hose
You should also be pleased to know that by using a water butt you will significantly reduce your carbon footprint. By using less, you will decrease the energy costs associated with treating and pumping the water to your home. Half a tonne of water is delivered to your door on a daily basis and by reducing this you will be a step closer to living a greener, carbon neutral lifestyle.
Again, we all have to change the way we live. This is not a lifestyle choice any more, it’s getting critical.
Clive Johns -
Author Resource:
Rain collection and water conservation by using water butts.