When it comes to using your spare time, there are more enticing things to do than comparing automobile insurance companies. However, knowing that it can save you money and help you choose a car insurance company that meets your needs makes it worth investing your time. Before you start the process of getting auto insurance quotes, you'll need to have quite a bit of information at hand, including the make and model of your car, information about where it's parked overnight most nights, and information about any accidents you were involved in where you were at fault. If other drivers use the car, you need their names and identifying information. You also need your driver's license number, as well as the driver's license numbers of any other drivers who use the car.
The Ease of Getting Quotes
Getting quotes from car insurance companies has never been easier, thanks to the Internet. Most companies will want to know the information listed above, and some may want other information as well. For example, some ask if you have purchased other types of insurance from their company, because they may offer discounts if you insure your car when you already have other policies with them. Always answer questions truthfully when you're obtaining insurance quotes. If you state that you've had no speeding tickets when you actually do, the company will discover this when they verify the information with law enforcement records, and they may choose not to offer you coverage.
Standard Insurers
Major automobile insurance companies often target drivers who represent a relatively low risk. These companies are known as standard insurers. Having a clean driving record without accidents, moving violations, or excessive claims will make it more likely that you can obtain coverage from a standard insurer. This helps when you need something more than "bare bones" liability coverage.
Nonstandard Insurers
Nonstandard insurers generally cater to drivers who are interested in obtaining the minimum coverage required by law, often because they have a history of accidents or moving violations. Nonstandard insurers allow higher risk drivers to obtain car insurance. New drivers and drivers who have certain makes and models of cars sometimes have to turn to nonstandard carriers to obtain car insurance. In general, you should contact a nonstandard insurer if you haven't been able to find a standard carrier willing to insure your car.
Finding Excellent Service
Once you've narrowed down your choices of car insurance companies you like, consider calling the insurer's customer service number to get an idea of how promptly and professionally they deal with their customers. If two insurers offer a nearly identical policy for roughly the same price, choosing the auto insurance company with better customer service will probably benefit you in the event that have to make a claim.
Author Resource:
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.