Looking for a dentist to provide good dental services? Almost every dentist you could visit will provide good dental services, so what' important is to find a dentist that suits your needs. In this case, needs come in two categories. You'll want a dentist that you feel comfortable with, and that can only be determined by a visit to the dentist to see how well you get along. Your other needs are for the specific dental services that you and your family require. Most dentists work in general dentistry and can handle the majority of dental services that we need in our lives. But there's a possibility that you'll have special needs in your oral care that require a visit to a dentist who specializes in those needs.
For example, some children have the unfortunate condition of a cleft palate or very misshapen teeth. A prosthodontic dentist will be best suited to handle these extreme dental services. A prosthodontic dentist has had additional training in helping to reshape the mouth to a more normal configuration. A cleft palate can cause complications in both speech and swallowing, so getting this fixed involves dental care that is well worth while. And it is certainly beyond what a dentist practicing general dentistry would be able to do for you.
Once the procedure is done, you may want to transition your child's dental care to a dentist who specializes in pediatric dentistry. These dentists know how to perform dental services on kids while keeping them happy. If your child has had to deal with some serious dentistry when they were young, having a dentist who can cater to their needs as they grow may make further dental visits go more smoothly.
If you need a root canal, you'll probably want to visit a dentist who specializes in endodontics. The endodontics specialty trains a dentist in what is "inside the tooth" for an additional 2-3 years after 4 years of dental school. These dentists know the roots of the tooth and the jawbone in every last detail, so you'll be assured that you're getting the best dental care possible for a root canal. You certainly wouldn't want to have dental surgery from a dentist who wasn't fully qualified to handle any dental situation that arose during that surgery, so the dentist with a specialty in endodontics would be the best choice for a root canal.
So dentists come in many shapes and sizes, and provide a variety of dental care for different dental conditions. Oral health care in general is an important part of health care, so regular dental visits for general dentistry are good for all of us. But when more substantial dental services are needed, it's good to know which dentists are available to perform those services. This article covered endodontics and prosthodontic dentistry, but there are other specialties as well. Regular dental services may allow you to avoid needing those services!
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If you need a root canal, you'll probably want to visit a dentist who specializes in endodontics. The endodontics specialty trains a dentist in what is "inside the tooth" for an additional.... Learn more at Support and Health