In case you happen to be coming to the Internet in hopes of generating an income, then you need a mentor, a business coach, or whatever you call the person who teaches you. You need a person to show you the way, a mentor, a business coach, if you would like to pursue earning money on the web. Be careful of those onliners who put themselves up as industry experts. Often they barely scrape a living, or if they do, it's not from applying what they will try and sell you. Liz Tomey is one of the exceptions. She is a true web expert who truly wants each one of her students to be a success. One of the most effective options you have for starting an online business is using her mentoring program, 'My Make Money Online Coach'.
Were you caught by any of the many products available that promise quick riches, even if you have no money or experience, no product or technical skills. Has even one of those products been able to make money for you thus far? Either you happen to be new to the Internet and haven't lost any money yet, or you are going to give up, because you are sick and tired of wasting a lot of money. Because Liz Tomey's sympathies lie with the second camp she chose to play open cards about the strategies she utilizes to generate an income. Considering the minimal monthly charge and the huge amount you will learn from her coaching classes, what she offers is a deal you should never resist. You pay a monthly fee of $49.95 for as long you wish to keep being taught, while the program itself has ten different parts and has around thirteen thousand dollars worth of material.
From the first component you are going to get clarity about the sort of web business that you would like to set up. The systems you are going to learn are capable of bringing in hundreds of dollars revenue on a monthly basis, while several will bring in thousands. There is a workshop each and every month, in which you are provided with a new system with a plan showing precisely how to use it during that month. At times you will get involved in a program when you have a problem, but no one to answer your questions. With Liz Tomey's program, the second component is that you get to have her as your personal coach from Monday to Thursday. Those days is when you are able to pose any questions to which she'll answer personally. The value of this can't even be measured. The third component is also invaluable, which is a web conference weekly, where Liz takes question and replies to them live, where you could see everything she's doing on your computer screen.
Other components include the Tomey Vault, where you get all of her past products, the latest ones, and the ones yet to be created. One other component gives you video coaching on demand: you pose individual questions and Liz responds to them on video. Liz also makes all her previous coaching classes done on the web accessible to you. You could select from current programs called money makers, which others have already had success with, and you can get help having them set up. One of the components has internet guides about business models.
There's much more to the My Make Money Online Coach mentoring program by Liz Tomey, and if you are interested you really should check it out. You are allowed a month's trial period, after which you can have your money refunded in case you are not satisfied. A great deal for anybody who is seriously interested in making money on the internet.
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