Basically, it's the wrong foods and eating habits that cause the problem and prevent you from stop acne. If the dietary factor is supported, we could prevent acne from occurring.
1. foods high in fat. Deep fryed food and other that are high in fats like butter, margarine and animal fats are too heavy for our system to deal with. They are generally absorbed in the intestine and colon, and feces to cause rot. This leads to the Candida bacteria which in turn causes acne.Stop Acne.
2. Simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream too quickly that causes the sugar to rise. This sugar back tends to remain in the intestines and colon and causes the bacteria which causes acne.
3. toxic food. Foods that are acid content aimed at creating an imbalance in pH levels through the body and cause acne. these include vegetables such as squash and maize, fruits are plums, prunes, blueberries and others. Cereals: barley, oats, wheat bran, macaroni, spaghetti, bread and white flour.
4. Food. those foods cause acne, such as toxins such as preservatives, additives, and even synthetic colors. Processed foods are heavy and too many toxins in the liver cause break out of acne.
5. Animal protein. these involve beef, pork, bacon, lamb, scallops, mussels, salmon, fish, cod, sausages, turkey, venison, lobster and shrimp.
6. Alcohol and beverages. Spirits , beer and wine are causes. So are the soft drinks, and coffee. All of these cause acne.
7. dairy products. Milk and dairy products like butter, cheese, ice cream and ice milk causes acne. must be avoided.
With this list of foods to avoid anybody could comfortably stop the appearance of acne or the spread of acne. You do not obtain alarmed by this list, the point is to follow moderation through consuming the foods exceeding.