You tried to wash it, cover it , and use expensive jarful goo. Now you're prepared to go in another avenue to get rid of acne. There are natural remedies for acne which work and can additionally improve your overall health.
Acne is caused by excess production of natural oils. So you want to take steps to dry the oil, still you do not want to dry too. This will cause a rebound effect and your skin will produce added oil in response. Here are several products you could use for your skin, that provide natural remedies for acne without drying out too:
Witch Hazel
Tree Oil
Aloe Vera
Lawyer (mixed with water)
Cleanliness is one of the best natural remedies for acne. Wash your face daily with mild soap and avoid rubbing hard . Brushing hard will only make your skin produce more oil to protect themselves. Also, wash your hair each day, since this will result in reduce production of oil off your face. Make sure that everything that comes near your face is clean all the time. Keep your hats, coats, scarves, shirts, ties, hair bands, sunglasses, etc clean. Make sure your bedding, as his blanket and pillow, is clean. Also, avoid touching your face.Dermology
A healthy lifestyle is a great natural remedy for acne. Watch what you eat. The old wives' tale is true, sweet and fatty foods contribute to acne. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking green tea. Fruits, vegetables and green tea contains powerful antioxidants that are anti-acne. Get loads of exercise. The improved circulation is good for your skin. Try to exercise outdoors after all sunlight is a genuine natural astringent (care to avoid sunburn, though). Get enough sleep and drink lots of water, as they provide energy and help you through the day with less stress. Stress is an important factor in acne. find a quiet opportunity for oneself each day to help reduce stress.
Before spending much time and money on treatments for acne, try these natural remedies for acne. You can find that not only your acne is better, you feel better.