What causes acne flare ups in pregnancy?
during pregnancy, a woman may develop acne due to hormonal changes in her body. In fact, hormonal activity during pregnancy is usually at peak levels. This increase in androgen and progesterone levels could cause women's oil glands to work overtime.
For different women experiencing acne in pregnancy, the first trimester is worse, while progesterone hormone levels are elevated.Dermology
Mask of pregnancy
Because of the rapid and major hormonal changes during pregnancy, several women really develop what is popularly known as a "mask of pregnancy." These are brownish pigmented areas around the cheek nose and eyes that collectively look like an "artificial, reddish layer of mask" over the face. In reality, however, it is nothing but the pregnancy-related flare up of acne.
Many times, the acne of pregnancy goes on away on its own
Fortunately, with time, acne problems which develop due to pregnancy will usually go away as the pregnancy progresses. Researchers believe that this is mainly because of an increased amount of estrogen that by your second or third trimester, your skin starts to look better than it has in a long time.