Do you have jewelry you never wear anymore? Something you bought in the 1980’s with the big shoulders and big hair, but which has never really translated well into a 21st Century setting?
The good news is that gold is now at all time historical highs – earlier this year it went through the $1,000 barrier and the price has just touched on the $1,200 level – compare that to the price just ten short years ago when the price languished at the $250 mark! In other words, the price is the very best any seller has ever gotten …ever!
Now you can look at your old jewelry and gold items in a very different light because they may now very well be worth much more than you paid for them. The demand for gold has surged because it is used as an investment to secure capital in harsh economic times. Whenever the economy takes a dive the price of gold soars, so every time you read or see the news that the stock markets have fallen a few more points, you can rest assured that the price of gold has risen in contrast.
Principal buyers of second hand gold are dealers and refiners. The market has developed a great deal in the last three years because the demand for gold has risen to such heights – let’s put this into an investment perspective; if you invested in Google or gold 10 years ago, which do you think would be the more valuable investment today?
Gold, of course!
For the private seller of old jewelry, look for a buyer who operates a refinery. A refinery is where the gold will eventually be processed and melted down for use in making new jewelry or for passing on to bullion producers. As a refiner is dealing direct with you, there is no middleman to take a cut out of the price and so you are likely to be offered a far better price than you otherwise would get from a “dealer”.
You should expect the company you are dealing with to provide you with the following:
A cash back guarantee in the event of any loss of jewelry;
A secure and no cost courier service;
Published pricing of daily gold and other precious metal prices;
Payment within 24 hours of accepting any offer;
Offers dispatched by email for instant notification; and
A process which takes less than a week to complete from you sending in gold pieces to be valued and having the check in your bank!
There is also another reason why you should consider selling your old jewelry and gold pieces and this is the environment. Gold mining is highly toxic with extensive damage to the environment as a consequence – it takes hundreds of tons of earth to be mined to get at the gold bearing ore, and it takes 30 tons of ore to produce one ounce of gold! By selling your old gold you are in fact recycling the metal for a miniscule fraction of the environmental cost to the planet.