Having problem posting ads on Craigslist? Knowing what or how Craigslist controls who can post on their classified site is the first step to making posting easy and much less painful. One of the biggest mistakes some people do when trying to use Craigslist is that they don t fully understand how the site works. They assume that a Craigslist proxy will solve ALL of their posting problems. While it is true that a Craigslist proxy is a core component to being able to post on Craigslist, it is not the ONLY issue you will face when using the classified website. If you aren t aware of the other tricks Craigslist uses, you will find that you are walking into a mine field. When you know how to outsmart Craigslist, your own proxy server for Craigslist is an indispensible tool for any marketer.
A Craigslist proxy is a required tool for posting on Craigslist for many people because they live outside of the USA. Craigslist controls who can post on the USA version of the classified website because they know that it is the most trafficked and the most valuable. The classified website gets millions of hits per month and all of those hits are from people looking to buy a product or service or just find a bargain. This spells big money for anyone that can find a profitable angle and post ads on Craigslist to tap into this massive market. It is this reason that you will need a proxy server in the USA to get US IPs so you can post on Craigslist USA. This is the first way that having your own Craigslist proxy makes posting on the website possible.
The second method Craigslist uses to control how often you can post is based on the frequency and IP is used. If you post too many ads with a single IP during a short period of time, you will find that your ads will be increasingly blocked or ghosted. One ad should be posted every 48 hours, but many people post multiple ads from a single IP. This raises red flags and is common activity of spammers. Craigslist implements the above steps and many more in an attempt to block spammers. Your own Craigslist proxy makes it possible for you to post multiple ads because you simply use multiple IPs. You can easily avoid any limitations on IPs by simply just using more IPs on your proxy server.
If you are serious about posting ads on Craigslist then your own Craigslist proxy is an essential tool. This is especially true if you live outside of the USA and need to put ads on Craigslist USA. You ll be able to get access to US IPs and get access to multiple IPs which makes posting on Craigslist much easier to do and more profitable. No other method is as reliable and as effective as proxies for Craigslist and they are the best possible investment you can make to improve your posting on Craigslist.