In these tough economic times you need to have a good insurance policy that will shield you in the event of an unexpected calamity. It is important to insure your assets so that your financial worth does not deteriorate suddenly due to a fire, flood or even theft. Insurance companies require that you state the true value of your assets amongst other information. This information will provide a basis for the insurance premium that you should pay for the coverage you take with them.
Apart from the value of your assets, insurance companies also consider the risks associated with insuring your property. For instance, if you want to purchase insurance cover for your car, they would also like to know how the vehicle will be used (own use or commercial), your driving record, where you live amongst other information.
In order to reduce the premium payable on such a vehicle, it is advisable to install car alarm, dead locks, anti lock brake system and other safety gadgets. These additional measures would reduce the risk of theft or accident thereby reducing the probability of raising an insurance claim. The insurance companies will in turn reduce the premium payable because they consider your vehicle cover to be relatively low risk.
People have many important assets that they keep at home. These include passports, treasury bonds, security bonds, share certificates, academic certificates, jewellery, cash, music systems, computers among many other important items. These are assets which are considered valuable. A rational person will want to insure himself against loss of such assets. Insurance companies will naturally welcome any business that comes their way. They will consider themselves fortunate to have the business considering the amount of competition out there from other companies. However, they have to make a profit and therefore need to consider other factors that influence the level of risk on your properties.
One of the ways that you can reduce the amount of premium payable is by putting up additional measures that will reduce the level of risk to your property. You can keep your jewellery and other expensive valuables or heirlooms in a household safe instead of your drawers or closet. If you install a household safe that is not only burglar proof, but also fire proof and waterproof, then you will certainly benefit from lower premiums.
That way they will not be within easy reach of any unauthorised people, like burglars. Also installing other security measures like putting up deadlocks, burglar alarms, smoke detectors and a sprinkler system in your house will also reduce the level of risk exposure in your house. Measures taken to reduce the risk of fire will result in lower premiums payable by you, the insured.
With the risk of damage to property decreased, the insurance company will be more lenient when it comes to premium valuation. A safe is a great way to keep everything in your home, but still secure. Whilst some may choose to deposit their most treasured items elsewhere, a safe in your own home would at least allow you to enjoy your possessions whenever you wanted them and ensure that they are always out of sight of various rogues.
Therefore, if you feel that you have been paying excessive amounts in insurance premiums consider putting up additional security measures like reinforced doors, burglar alarms, fire sprinklers, smoke detectors and of course a household safe. You will be pleased to find out that your insurance premiums have been reduced drastically as a result.