You have seen them before. Guys that for apparently no reason at all, they are incredibly good at attracting women. These guys are not exactly the best looking and they don't make a ton of money. And yet women want to date them, be around them, and even sleep with them. And you want to be one of those guys. But, what can you do? Can you really learn how to attract women and become one of those guys that other men are jealous of?
Yes, you can. Here are 3 simple and easy tips that will make a woman fall for you:
1. Women are usually drawn to DYNAMIC personalities. The shy guy that kind of just blends into the crowd is not the one that goes home with the girl. You have to be able to make your personality a little more dynamic. You have to make yourself stand out somehow. Being the kind of guy that women are drawn to requires that you move out of your shell and become the kind of man that they notice right off the bat.
2. Learn how to tell a captivating story. If you know how to tell stories that will suck her in and keep her hanging on YOUR every word, she will be captivated by you. And when she is captivated by you, she is attracted to you. Being able to show your fun side with a story that is hypnotic and demonstrates you having a good time will make her see you as a man she wants to spend time with. She will start to want to become a part of YOUR story. This will make her feel the urge to be around YOU, and make her want to be your woman.
3. Smile. Most men don't realize the power that a simple smile has to make a woman fall in love. Just make sure that your smile does not seem fake or plastic. It has to seem natural. She has to feel like you are smiling because you see her and you are enjoying her company. This will make her naturally smile back at you and with you, and thus, the attraction begins.
These 3 simple and easy tips to attract women will help you to become the kind of guy that women are drawn to. You don't have to be Mr. Perfect to attract beautiful women and keep their attention. You just have know what a woman wants and how to give it to her.