If you are planning pregnancy, you need to understand your ovulation and time your intercourse around it. Understanding your menstrual cycle is key to know when you are going to ovulate. Since the menstrual cycle differs with every woman, predicting it accurately can be quite confusing. The average cycle lasts for around 28 days but it can vary between 20 to 45 days. Some women may even experience irregular cycle as the length of their menstrual cycle vary from month to month.
One of the best ways to understand your menstrual cycle is to get a chart. Start with day on the first day of your period and so on. If your cycle is of 28 days you are going to ovulate on day 14. ovulation test makes it easier to predict the ovulation date. The test kit contains seven ovulation tests and a pregnancy test.
One of the best ways to understand your ovulation date is to prepare an ovulation calendar of your menstrual cycle. Mark day 1 as the first day of period and so on. If your cycle is of 28 days, your ovulation day is likely to be on 14 of your cycle. Ovulation tests can make the prediction quite accurate. There are about seven tests and a pregnancy test in a test kit. Based on your cycle period of 28 days, you should start using that kit 5 days out from likely ovulation day. That means you should start testing from the day seven to assure more accurate results. As you get the positive results that means you are going to ovulate in next 24 to 36 hours. Certainly this is the best time for intercourse.
Here are some interesting facts about conception. A sperm can survive in women's body for as long as four days, but the egg only lasts for around 12 to 24 hours. The time to conceive can be halved, if you are able to predict your ovulation period accurately. There are so many ways to do it like saliva test, urine test, BBT test. The most accurate among them is the urine test and there are only a few brands out there in the market.
If you want to get pregnant, you need to understand your menstrual cycle and accurately predict your ovulation. For most couples it takes around six months to do this, but you can do that within three months with accurate prediction using the Ovulation kits.
Be smart with baby planning and reduce pressure from family and friends. Pregnancy can be an experience of lifetime that only a woman can experience. And planning your pregnancy is essential and can be quite helpful as well.
Your ovulation calendar calculator can help you calculate the right time to conceive. For more help in the regard you can simply log on to: http://www.thehealthybelly.com
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Emilly Bella is a free lance article author and legal expert with special references on 133 cramping during early pregnancy , when is my due date and my pregnancy .