When you decide that you are looking to experience a tantric massage for the first time, it is completely understandable to be nervous about it. After all, a tantric massage can be a rather intimate experience which is being undertaken by a complete stranger. This is what can put people off guard and the situation may not be helped by the masseur or fellow professional asking a number of questions of you. This is standard practice and is aimed at ensuring you get the best possible massage experience. If you are looking for a tantric massage Hong Kong experience, do not be shocked to be asked about your health, your lifestyle and your spiritual beliefs and aims. All of these questions may sound like you are making a trip to a doctor or health practitioner but they are very common when undergoing your first tantric massage.
If there are questions you don't feel comfortable with answering, just say so. It is important to be aware that you are in full control of the massage experience and you can dictate the things that happen. If there are parts of your body that you don't want to be touched, tell this to your masseur and they will note this or at least discuss your feelings on the matter. Getting a Hong Kong massage should be an enjoyable and relaxing experience where you shouldn't feel uncomfortable at any point. Being open and honest about your thoughts and expectations will be of great benefit.
A strong reason for being open and honest with your masseuse comes with the fact that it can help to create a good connection. There is no doubt that the close contact of a tantric massage will benefit from you feeling relaxed and developing a rapport with the tantric masseur can make a big difference. Feel free to chat about different topics and build an affinity before the massage begins or even when the massage is taking place, you will feel a lot better for it.
You should be aware that the massage can last for anything between 15 minutes and 2 hours, depending on what sort of service you are looking for. You will be taken into different areas and elements, allowing your body to interact with your emotions. The massage is usually accompanied with meditation or a focus on the spiritual element. This will hopefully develop a feeling of relaxation and will help to provide a strong focus for your massage.
The massage is sure to consist of movements and pressure being applied to different parts of your body. Some masseurs will use props such as silk or feather to introduce a different element to the massage. Whatever experience you are looking for from a tantric massage, you should find that you can have a wonderful and very relaxing time. Hopefully you will enjoy your first tantric massage and will come back for many more in the months and years ahead.
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At our website you can find out about our hong kong tantric massage . You will be able to book an appointment for an tantric massage hong kong .