Area rugs are good interior designing add-ons as they serve to beautify as well as protect wooden floors and carpets. They can be of different material types and are available in various sizes and styles. Let us explore them in detail.
Area Rugs - The Different Styles
They are available in various styles, ranging from traditional types to the more contemporary ones. The following are the popular types:
* Casual area rugs: They are simple rugs designed using materials like bamboo, leather, jute, sisal, or wool. They employ a simple pattern and use basic colors. They are neither contemporary nor traditional, and so blend easily with a wide range of furniture and floor types. Since casual them are designed using light colors, they give a warm and gentle feel to the room atmosphere. Additionally, they incorporate a simplistic border pattern and are asymmetrical in nature.
* Traditional area rugs: They can be identified easily because of their intricate design patterns. They use bold colors and are available in floral or geometric patterns. The border is heavy and the designing may have Persian and European styling influences.
* Transitional area rugs: They are usually a combination of contemporary styles and traditional styles. The coloring is bold and incorporates contemporary as well as traditional shades.
* Outdoor area rugs: Such type of it find application as add-ons to the outdoor spaces in a home. They are valued depending on the resistance they offer to the extremes of climate.
Area Rugs - Define The Purpose
Before moving out to buy it, you need to be sure about the purpose you want it for. Do you want it for the specific reason of protecting your flooring? Do you need it as an add-on to complement your existing furniture or flooring? Or, do you need it to enhance and beautify your average-looking floors or furniture? Deciding on the purpose would help you to zero-in on the specific type of it that can fulfill your requirements.
Area Rugs - Selecting The Right Size
You should select it that come with a border. If you need them as floor coverings, select the ones that are at least 1 foot smaller than the dimensions of the room, on all sides. On the contrary, if you need it for wood furniture, they should be at least 1 foot larger than the dimensions of the furniture. If you need to spread it underneath a dining table, it should be 3 to 4 feet larger than the size of the dining table. They required to be placed in bedrooms, should be soft as you need to walk on them more often than not.
Area Rugs - The Material Used
Wool and cotton rugs are the best quality as well as the most expensive rugs. They require less maintenance and you can cherish them for a long time. It composed of silk, succeed in grabbing the attention of visitors, and they are often used as addition to a wool or cotton. Leather rugs are often used to complement the existing wood furniture. Jute rugs tend to be soft; and consequently, they find a place in most bedrooms.