When you are shopping around for the best deal on a car rental, there are a few question that you should ask, in addition to the rental price per day. Many often call various companies to get a price quote and then decide from there. Although this is a great way to price around you will also need to be sure and find out about any additional fees that you will be charges. If you do not find out all the fees related to your rental you may go with the cheapest quote you received, but end up pay more than the highest quote. Here are some question that you should ask, which will help you truly find the cheapest rental available to you.
1. HOW MUCH ARE THE EXTRA FEES AND TAXES PER DAY? Each area will have their own additional fees and taxes to add on, and these can vary from location to location, so be sure that you get the daily rate with these figures factored in.
2. What is the maximum mileage included with the price quote? This information is not often offered by the rental companies, unless it is asked. There are some companies that do offer unlimited mileage, which is included in your rental quote, however there are others that limit the mileage per day or trip. Some companies offer unlimited mileage for a higher fee, this is a great option to pay for, as you will not have to worry about the distance you travel with the car, and it will also save you money on paying those extra mile fees, which can really add up fast. Also be careful if you are being quoted on renting your car for a long trip. Often the quote you will receive for such a rental will only cover the mileage to and from the destination, with no mileage allotted for driving around when you reach you destination area.
3. What fees are added for picking up your rental early, or keeping it longer than expected? Sometimes if you have a more flexible schedule, you may be able to find a better deal. Ask your rental agent to play around with the dates, and see if picking the car up a day later or returning a day earlier will give you a lesser quote values. If you are searching for a rental, mix the dates up and see what quotes you get, sometimes traveling a week earlier or a week later will give you large savings on your rental.
4. DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIALS? It sounds silly that they wouldn't tell you if they did, but some companies don't allow their employees to offer specials to shoppers unless they ask, so take the time to ask and you may just find a deal that you didn't even know existed.
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When you are shopping for a Gold Coast car hire , you should go to www.budget.com.au. They have a wide selection of rentals for any size family. It is the car rental Gold Coast go toors trust most!