Many people who wish to have their teeth whitened may need to have the procedure performed professionally especially if some of the teeth are chipped or cracked. A dentist can repair and whiten with a bonding material. Also, some people have what is called sensitive teeth, naturally and so prefer to have a dentist deaden the area before treatment. Of course, the majority of us simply do not have either the finances, nor the time to take off work and visit the dentist for a cosmetic procedure which costs a lot of money, and is not covered by health insurance except in cases of accidents. This is why normally, most people will search the stores for the best teeth whitening products to use at home.
The precautionary measures that must be taken before beginning at home teeth whitening process:
* Get prophylactics cleaning because it removes plaque and dirt from your teeth.
* Brush and floss your teeth before any teeth whitening procedure applied.
* Do not eat or drinks for the first few hours after you have whitened your teeth.
Teeth Whitening Trays and Gels
We cannot deny the effectiveness of whitening trays and gels but the results in at home teeth whitening are not as desirable as of the bleaching applied by a professional dentist. Bleaching process depends on the strength of hydrogen peroxide mixed in the gel. You can wear these trays for a couple of hours in a day or during the night. It takes minimum 3 days and maximum 2 weeks in demonstrating their real effects on your teeth.
There are two types of tooth whitening products that are available: one type is provided by your dentist and the other you purchase directly from the market. Both do the same job. However, both have quite significant disparities and differences.
The major difference lies in their results. Tooth whitening kits obtained from your own dentists demonstrate quick results, and those you have purchased from the markets do not do so. Furthermore, the teeth whitening trays and gels obtained from the dentist are based on the size that you have ordered, while the ones available on the market are is already prepared sizes that may cause the gel to come in direct contact with your gums, and cause irritations.
Teeth Whitening Strips
Apart from tray based whitening, tooth whitening strips are readily available from the drug stores. The most prominent characteristics of these strips are that they are economical, quite effective and easy in their application. These strips win the trust of the users in a very short span of time. Moreover, several surveys have also demonstrated that these whitening strips have shown better results among other teeth whitening products such as mouthwashes and whitening chewing gums.
Teeth Whitening Toothpastes
Most teeth whitening toothpastes contain abrasive agents, whitening chemicals and baking soda. In fact, these ingredients are meant to whiten your teeth by removing stains which caused by food, beverages and nicotine. However, they are not only meant for bleaching. The major reason is that they don t contain sufficient amount of hydrogen peroxide. It is important to keep brushing your teeth twice a day to maintain your oral care.