When you turn on the news this evening or read your local newspaper, you will more than likely come across a story of a business shutting down or more people losing jobs. With the current unemployment rate at nearly 9.4 percent, it s hard to ignore the dim job statistics our country is facing. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. There are things you can do in order to feel more secure in the job you have.
One of the best ways you can ensure you will have a job for years to come is to make yourself as indispensible as possible. It s true that every person can and could be replaced, but following some simple tactics can lead to job protection. The following five strategies will help ensure your survival in this uncertain job market.
Go Above and Beyond
Are you someone who shows up at work early and stays late? Or do you take two hour lunch breaks and gab on the phone all day? Those who go above and the beyond the call of duty are more likely to be noticed if a company has to make cuts. Your attitude is also key. Performing tasks above and beyond with a positive attitude will yield positive results for you. Your attitude is a reflection of your work.
Be Fresh and Innovative
Whether non profit or for profit, every company is looking for ways to save money and resources. Creating new and fresh ideas, especially those that could save money, will be looked upon highly by your supervisors. There are tons of free online marketing tools that companies can use to promote their services, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you are familiar with these kinds of tools, use them, and impress your employer at the same time.
Take on Extra Duties/Duties Others Don t Like
Everyone is busy. Everyone is working hard. Everyone is overwhelmed. While it s important for you to not take on more duties than you can handle, picking up slack will also ensure job security. Are you aware of a task your supervisor does not like? Offer to do it yourself! A former supervisor of mine hated writing for our company newsletter. He didn t have time to complete the task, nor did he feel that writing was one of his strengths. When I offered to do some of the writing for him, he was ecstatic. One of his weaknesses happened to be one of my strengths, and he appreciated my willingness to help.
Keep a List of Achievements
If you ve been at a company for several years, it s easy to lose track of everything you have done and accomplished. Tracking your achievements is imperative when job hunting, resume building and salary negotiating. This list should be updated quarterly (four times per year). It should illustrate tasks, innovations and positive outcomes. Maintaining a list of achievements is a great resource for you and your employer.
Show Your Loyalty
Hiring an employee takes time and money. Ads for a position have to be placed. Resumes have to be reviewed. Rounds of interviews occur. Showing loyalty doesn t mean stabbing co workers in the back or kissing up to your boss. It s about doing what it takes to make your company the best it can be. If you have a job, much less a job you enjoy, thank your employer. Write a note, bring in some baked goods and be sincere. A little bit of loyalty will go a long way.
Let s face it. The job market is downright scary and times are tough for everyone. No one is certain when the economy will improve or how long it will take. Following these effective strategies might not guarantee job security, but they will make you as indispensible as possible.
Author Resource:
Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant and consulting on Free content and internet marketing. http://www.seo-1-marketing-services.com/ http://www.articles-cafe.com/ http://www.internet-marketing-cafe.com/Art/132/118/Article-Marketing-Ten-things-your-article-should-have.html