Acne is no respecter of persons. Man or woman? Doesn t matter. Rich? Thin? So what! Acne will strike who it wants, when it wants. Not only are red, irritated pimples unsightly, but they are painful. Add blackheads to the mix, and you have out and out war. It s time to find a way to get rid of the acne and how to remove blackheads.
Clearing blackheads is a delicate process. It s easy to leave a scar. Do you know how to remove blackheads in a way that you won t regret later?
Have you tried cleaning your skin multiple times each day? If not, don t! All that rubbing will irritate your skin and strip it of important, necessary oils. In fact, using too much facial cleanser could lead to swelling and unfortunately, infection.
We all know not to squeeze pimples. This applies to blackheads as well. When you pick at a pimple, it s easy to make the portion under the skin spread, and create surrounding acne. When a blackhead is popped, you may think that it is gone, but not so.
Let s talk about how to remove blackheads. First, wash the area you are trying to clear with some type of facial cleanser. Those with salicylic are known to target and treat acne the best. Second, get a clean washcloth and run in under hot water. Try to get it as hot as you can stand it. Hold the cloth to the freshly washed area and keep it there for at least ten minutes.
You now know the first step of how to remove blackheads safely, congratulations! The mild cleanser and hot washcloth have loosened the blackhead. Now, simply wash the area once again with your cleanser and wipe clean with a gentle tissue.
If you just are not getting the results you want, and need another idea about how to remove blackheads, try this one out. This method takes at least seven days to complete. Right before you go to bed, lightly dab castor oil on the affected area. Castor oil significantly softens the skin. You should notice a difference in the morning. After the seventh night, take a close examination of your skin that morning. After your morning wash, you may be surprised to notice that you are now blackhead free!
Glycerin is also known to safely soften the skin. Apply a dab to your face before going to bed and you will remove them more easily in the morning.
Even if you are not oil prone, there are times in our life when we do produce more oil. Having a good soap, such as one carried by Neutrogena, will significantly sway the acne war in your favor. Use your new weapon about three times each day for maximum fighting power.
Once you successfully know how to remove blackheads, give yourself a big congratulation! Take the time to keep your skin clean, and produce less oil and you may never see another blackhead again!