Although the market of weight loss products is very diversified, they are few medicines that have gained the trust of the clients and in time, they became one of the best. Xenical was tested by many people and the majority was pleased with its results. Xenical is part of the Alli products range and one of the two products accepted by the FDA.
We will tell you some information about Xenical so you can decide if it`s good for you too. When you eat meals which are very rich in fat, your body will absorb the fat and you gain weight. As you well know, your body is not designed to digest all the fat that you are eating the entire day.
Unlike the other weight loss products, Xenical doesn`t work by influencing your brain or your heart. Ephedra, a popular product before Xenical came out was banned in 2004 because it caused many heart strokes inspite the fact that it was a medicine that gave the most amazing results. Xenical doesn`t speed up your metabolism and it has nothing to do with your central nervous system. Rather, it has the property of absorbing about one third of the fat that s within your food.
It is a strong enzyme inhibitor and has it s action on the gastrointestinal lipases (fat enzymes). The recommended dose of Xenical is a tablet of 120 mg before each meal that contains fat. You should take three tablets a day, not forgetting to follow a balanced, healthy diet and to do a daily workout or exercise. You should divide the amount of fat and proteins over three main meals in order to help Xenical to do its best. It is highly recommended to follow a healthy eating plan, if you don`t want to have gastrointestinal side effects.
Xenical is well known to absorb vitamins in your body, and so it s vitally important that you also take some form of multivitamin while following a diet along with Xenical. It is recommended to take supplements that have vitamins D, E, K and beta carotene.
At first, Xenical was available only by prescription, but now it has become a counter weight loss product available in Australia, Europe and the United States. Still, you should not take Xenical before consulting a doctor, because it may be risky. Your doctor should check your medical history and also the level of your determination. It is much easy to follow a diet plan when you have somebody to monitor you. You should not be ashamed to ask for help. Be ready to make a change, to live a healthier life and to regain your much wanted figure.
Xenical may be the best weight loss product for you if you have the BMI (body mass index) of 27 or greater and you have blood pressure problems or high cholesterol or even diabetes and you can`t take products which will affect your heart rate or your central nervous system.