In today s world you will find that eBook publishing is becoming one of the largest industries in cyberspace. You can find an eBook on just about any subject. It s fast becoming a huge industry. We would like to share a little bit of this exciting news with you today.
Back in June of 2009 it was said that the eBook publishing world had produced sales that were 150 higher than the previous year. Currently, and this might sound crazy, but eBook sales made up 3 of the total book sales which is really astounding. Considering that not all books are “eBookable” with current reader technology: much of the juvie list, many illustrated books, and books where graphic material is important will not be produced as eBooks. Consequently, the number is higher for straight narrative titles – maybe as high as 8 .
One of the biggest reasons readers are turning to eBooks is technology. The ability to offer an eBook online and read it from an iPod, Kindle, iPhone or other popular device is building the eBook market. It is downloaded in a matter of minutes and many different eBooks can be placed on the same reader.
Gone are the days when PDF eBooks rule. With over 500,000 Amazon Kindle eBook readers sold, 400,000 Sony Readers sold and over 30 million Apple iPhones across 80 countries sold it is no wonder that the demand for eBooks is currently booming. eBooks are fast becoming available on every possible topic both fiction and nonfiction. eBooks are even available in public libraries. They are also being used more and more in schools and universities. Many popular authors are making their books available in eBook format. For example, Stephen King’s novel was downloaded over a million times.
Another powerful growth driver for eBooks is authors of both fiction and nonfiction can publish and market their own eBooks bypassing the tradition print industry model. With WEB building tools getting more sophisticated and easier to use, authors can write their book and market the book on their own site. Other tools make it easy to get an eBook on distribution networks like Amazon, iTunes and others. Other tools make it easy to move from a Microsoft Word format to a Kindle or iPhone format further enhancing the distribution network of the eBook.
Most important, these new eBook publishing tools allow the author to keep more of the proceeds from the sale. That is, authors make a lot more money self publishing in an eBook format. For example, under the traditional paradigm of having a publishing company print and market a print book the author may receive as much as 10 of the proceeds of all the sales. With print on demand, the author typically receives 20 to 30 of the proceeds. But when the book is self published as an eBook approximately 100 of the proceeds are received by the author.
So is eBook publishing a myth or reality? It s quickly becoming a reality. Possibly the best reason that eBooks are becoming so popular is the price is lower than conventional books. In addition, the low production costs will drive down prices even more eventually making eBooks the book of choice. The reality is eBook publishing is growing extremely fast. The old paradigm is dying. eBook publishing is the new model leading the way to less expensive books distributed quicker to a global market.
Author Resource:
Larry Vingelman is a well known business consultant and publisher. For a preview of his new eBook "How to Create Wealth Publishing eBooks" go to