The Thumper Maximum Pro Variable Massager is a modern massaging utility to be used for certain ailments and for relaxation. This model in particular is a favorite among those who have the assistance of another individual, as it is another to pilot it.
The unit is going to be about seven pounds in total. This is partially the reason why operating it yourself isn't completely feasible. This is not a flaw, but an aspect of design. The extra weight allows the massager to deeply penetrate the muscle tissues in the body. This is very similar to the pressure that a masseuse would apply to the body, and doesn't need to be aided with any pressure or additional weight.
One can obtain a full body massage with the Thumper Maximum Pro in under ten minutes, due to an efficient design and good workmanship. As long as your assistant is well versed in the usage of the utility, you can expect a short massage to be on the low side of around five minutes. Compared to going to a massage parlor, you can relish in the saved time.
The beauty of the Thumper Variable Massager is that it can be easily adjusted to allow for a more or less enduring massage. If you are going over a thin, bony, area such as the arm- this is a great spot to tune down the power so you don't irritate the area. For deep tissue areas such as the thigh, you can turn the power up so you can get the deepest massage possible.
Thumper heard the cries of the assistants: holding a massaging utility for long periods of time quickly causes hand irritation and itching. The Thumper Maximum Pro Variable Massager is slated to deter around 95% of the energy that is felt by the assistant. In essence, the effect is a very comfortable experience for both the assistant and the individual receiving the massage. If it were any different, you might have a hard time finding assistants!
Your search in finding a Thumper Maximum Pro Variable Massager will be a short one, even with price checking included. The manufacturer may not sell the products directly, you can find retailers who have struck deals and sell them in your area. The Internet is full of retailers and resellers, and in case you are looking for a bargain, you can usually find a few here and there on resale websites or even in resale shops.
Closing Comments
If you like what you have read about the Thumper Maximum Pro Variable Massager, don't stop looking around in other Thumper models. There are many to choose from, and you may find that your tastes are best pleased by looking at similar models with different features, and perhaps at different price ranges.