Credit cards seem very easy to handle. You just give out necessary information to be able to open a new account under your name, carry it in your wallet, purse or somewhere convenient, and then just bring it out and swipe it whenever you need to. But an experienced credit card user should and will know about credit scores and credit reports and how important they are to a credit account.
Keeping these factors at a high level is very important, but is not the only ones that need to be dealt with. Often, having an identity theft check is not given enough attention which is mostly the reason why a lot of credit users and account holders have been victims of identity theft. There are some signs of being victimized by identity thieves, such as not being able to receive bills, having suspicious data in your credit account especially in your report, and receiving high bills. Once you feel any of these, there are some things that will temporarily help you, which are actions that take effect quickly. Here are some of them.
First, you will need to give a credit report fraud alert to your credit companies, agencies, and other report companies. In doing so, it will help stop opening further accounts under your name. This should be done quickly because credit identity thieves work very fast, thus this act should be kept in mind all the time. You may call report companies such as Equifax, Experian, TransUnion, and the Fraud Victim Assistance Division. These are companies who have a lot of experience in handling fraud instances.
The next thing you will need to do is to file all the needed reports, complains and other concerns to the police or any person of authority who belongs to an agency that can make arrests. The police is the most convenient to call of all other agencies, most especially if you experience house or car break ins even before you discover the theft incident.
The most probable reason why you experience these break ins is because these thieves have all your personal information, so they know on which street you live. However, it is not solely impossible to track down these thieves because there is a government agency that can help you, which is the Federal Trade Commission agency.
The next action that needs to be done is for you to call and contact all the credit companies and agencies of whom you have credit accounts with. What you need to do is to announce that you have experienced credit identity theft. This way, you will be able to stop and cut off all possible transactions made by your credit identity thief. You may also send letters to these companies, but be sure that you will have a copy of your own for future proof and evidence that you have indeed requested a cut off. You will need to record all your actions and the updates that have been made by your credit companies.
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Credit scores are essential in a credit card life. However, time is also a big part of a person’s hectic life. That is why offers you convenience. Whether you are reporting identity theft or you are just looking for plain credit reports, you will find it in the site.