When making rap or hip hop beats, there are many different ways to get that signature sound that you want. In order to make beats you must know about the different hardware and software options that are available.
Synthesizer workstations also known as keyboards is one of many hardware options you can choose from when making beats. A synthesizer workstation has keys on the board mimicking piano keys. In order to make the beats you need for your track, you have to hit the keys or key in which you desire.
In addition to the synthesizer workstations you can also use a MPC sampler or a MV8800. Both products are very similar in design as well as function, they're both designed to make beats. Unlike synthesizer workstations, the MPC sampler and MV8800 has pads instead of keys.
They are both samplers used to create beats for your music. Fruit loops is a software tool used to make beats for your songs. Acid Pro is another software tool to create your music. When making music, always remember you have many options to choose from, and all options may or may not work well with what your trying to produce.
It is recommended to study and practice working with multiple hardware and software tools. Another good way to learn and practice making beats is to practice using or listening to the piano, drums, and other musical instruments. It's a great way to study musical instruments, so you can understand what the instruments sound like.
It's good to learn how to read musical notes and understand what those notes look like and what sounds they produce. In music, its better to know more then less, the more you know about making beats with different hardware or software the better you will become.
In this case, your bringing beats and sounds forth to manufacture songs. So when your making music, you are the producer. You are the sole person responsible for making the music sound good to the listeners. Making beats is very simple to do, but it will take some time to master learning music instruments and musical notes.
It is best to have a keen ear for listening to different beats and the sounds that they make when put together with another beats. Once you've learned this, your officially headed on the right track towards making beats.