The introduction of credit cards defined convenient shopping to another level. With credit cards, fear of bringing large amount when you shop is eliminated. You also do not need to fall-in-line to ATMs and waste time waiting for your turn. And the best part with credit card is that you can do online shopping, which means no more traffic to battle getting to malls, you can stay at home and have your goods delivered to you and you can also spend more time with your kids if you are a mother instead of spending time outside doing some chores.
It feels safe doing online shopping because you don't need to mix in with large crowds when you go to market places or walk downtown. It is also very easy to make a purchase without too much hassle of producing identification cards provided that you give them your credit card number and the validation number at the back of your credit card. However, providing these details online, we are unaware that there are some credit cards identity thieves out there waiting to pawn on your credit card records. The moment you released your details online, they are able to secure it and use it for their own benefit. They are more known as credit identity thieves and this activity is known as identity theft.
Being a victim of identity theft is like being the victims from the horror movies that we watch. We unknowingly lose big amount of money on our credit accounts and the identity thieves can also use our information securing a loan from banks where we are affiliated. In an instant you can find yourself bankrupt.
Recovering your money would be impossible to do once you became a victim. But you can prevent this from happening. You need to be extra vigilant by checking your accounts activity regularly. Look out for malicious activities or irregularities in your records. Usually, credit identity thieves purchase high cost goods using your account. If you found that there's a purchase in your credit record that seems not part of your own buying activity, immediately inform the bank where you have an account. Advice them to immediately disable your credit line. Check on your other accounts containing same information like account name to ensure that they did not get a hold or access to your other credit cards.
You must also inform law enforcement about the incident. They can run a blotter or review the activities and trace the culprit. There are agencies that run an Internet Crime buster team because of the proliferation of identity theft. Know that your action is the only way to stop this kind of illegal activity.
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I have been cutting down on online crime for many years now. Lifelock has helped thousands of people keep their life secure. Please read my
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