In these hard economic times, it doesn’t hurt to save a dollar when at all possible. Even when buying something as selective as deer antler chandeliers. Why pay more for something when it is not necessary? Here are some suggestions for buying deer antler chandeliers. This can help you avoid paying more for a replica. Replicas are so close to the real thing, that an inexperienced shopper can’t tell them apart. There are few things to look for when choosing them.
Just like a hunter, some people may prefer a certain breed of deer. If the chandelier is authentic, the breed will be indicated on the product. You cannot tell just by looking at one if it is real. The deer breed such as mule deer will be indicated on the real ones and omitted from the replicas. If the company does not offer this information, most likely it is a fake. Even though the breed does not influence the look that much, it is more a personal choice which breed is used. Just be aware of what the chandelier is constructed from and look for that classification. Consider what you like and what would look great in your home.
When you consider the space where you want to put your chandelier, think about if you want to enhance this space with a piece of nature or if you want to make an impression. The size of the chandelier affects the cost more than any of factor. You must decide what will work in your living space. Chandeliers that are priced in the thousands have many different layers and light fixtures that bump up the cost. You really don’t want that extravagant in your living room. Smaller ones can still be just as beautiful and won’t take over the space. The chandelier should compliment the space and add that touch of nature that you want. A hunting cabin, living room, den or bedroom can be beautifully improved with a design such as this. The smaller one may contain two or up to four antlers. The more elaborate designs have many weavings of numerous antlers.
You can save hundreds if you choose a replica. The replicas are very close to the real thing, so it is about the money. If you just prefer a particular type of deer and you have to have that style, you may pay more. But a home can be complimented equally with the real or replicated deer antler chandeliers. If won’t hurt anyone to save a dime.