If you are considering adding a feel of nature to your hunting cabin or home, deer antler chandeliers can provide that touch. But where do you begin when you are ready to purchase them. A little research can make the process easier and you won’t end up with a replica when you want the authentic one. The information is this article can help you make the right choice. A few points to remember when selecting one is first is that there are many different ones to choose from but you should select the one that is perfect for YOUR HOME. Small adjustments in the design can mean hundreds of dollars difference, maybe even thousands. When you are spending thousands, you want the perfect chandelier. The buyer should get all the information about the product before buying.
For those unfamiliar with the product, one can easily mistake a replica for a real deer antler chandelier. But the key is to notice the antlers. Real antlers will have some indication of the breed of deer used in the design. It will be indicated mule deer or fallow deer used. If it is not mentioned, the possibility that is a fake is high. The appearance of the chandelier is only affected by the breed slightly. If a hunter has a favorite breed he should be aware of what is used so he can make a personal decision on what works for him.
The size of the chandelier is a crucial part of your selection. You don’t want to choose a design that will take over the space in your home instead of enhancing it. Large antler chandeliers can be more complex and may look like there is too much going on. Banquet halls, foyers or more open spaces will accommodate a larger design adequately. These chandeliers can cost a thousand dollars or more. Many of these designs have lights, light fixtures and levels of antlers. For smaller spaces, a more subdued, simpler chandelier is perfect with two or more sets of antlers.
The characteristics you should look for are: breed of deer antlers, size, the intricacy of the design and the genuineness. But considering the main material, the antlers, will make the selection process much easier. These tips will make your shopping experience a more pleasant one and hopefully save you some money. Everyone can afford to save a dollar in these hard economic times.