Bird lovers enjoy watching birds gather to their bird feeders. Bird watching is relaxing and with the certain seeds you can attract some beautiful birds. But squirrels can ruin this relaxing past time by damaging your bird feeder and eating the seed. Squirrel are always on the hunt for food and the more accessible the better. This is why they target bird feeders.
Their cleverness is remarkable. There are different kinds of bird feeders that offer to dissuade squirrels from getting to the birdseed. One particular type throws the squirrel off the feeder when it slides to the bottom of the feeder, sort like a boomerang. It hurls the squirrel through the air and off the feeder. A dome-shaped feeder causes the squirrel to slip off the feeder. The squirrel cannot stand on the feeder securely enough to get to the seed. Another kind of feeder is like a booby trap. When the squirrels comes within reach of the feeder, a weight device is set off and it locks in the seed.
Most feeders claim to be squirrel proof and many people are buying them with hopes that the feeders can keep the squirrels away. But people have found that it has been a waste of money and birdseed. You may want to check reviews and ask an opinion before wasting your money. Consumer reports may have helpful information that can make choosing one easier. Then there is always trial and error. You can install your bird feeder and watch what happens. If it works, you have made a good purchase.
If they work properly, you may witness squirrels flying and falling off the feeders. It is not common for the squirrel to stop after the first try. Many come back and try to eat the seed. Squirrels then discover that even though they are having problems getting to the seed directly, they can cause some to fall out of the feeder. Then after many attempts, there is enough on the ground to satisfy a hungry squirrel. Because the squirrel does not give up easily, the constant jumping and gnawing on the feeder can destroy it. You can feel more comfortable when you buy a feeder that can keep its promise and keep the squirrel away from the feeder. Sometimes even placing the feeder in an unreachable spot makes it harder for these little pests to eat your seed and damage your feeder.