Why do people smoke? Millions of people still smoke cigarettes and use tobacco products with the risks involved. Most males smokers worldwide smoke a cigarette at least once a day. A staggering 10 billion cigarettes are bought daily. The reasons are unlimited and differ why people smoke. Cigarettes are very addictive and nicotine is why. This stimulant can give a calming and therapeutic effect. This explains why some people smoke to handle stress or when stressed out. When consumed for many years, your brain gets used to the stimulant and when you try to stop smoking, you suffer withdrawals. Your system wants the nicotine to arouse the brain and trigger the pleasure points in the brain. Trying to quit will be very difficult for some smokers who need the chemical to stimulate the brain, which they get from nicotine.
The sad fact is that by the year 2030 the number will increase to 1 out of 6 people will die compared to 1 out of 10 smokers that are dying now each year from tobacco consumption. People are addicted to smoking so much that they are willing to take the risk associated with smoking. The warnings are plainly put on the cigarette package and yet smokers risk their lives. If you have tried and can’t stop, the electronic cigarette can help.
The electronic cigarette can help with the cravings of nicotine and provide a cleaner and healthier way to smoke. It does not product toxic smoke or use harmful chemicals. Instead it is made up of a battery, atomizer and a filter. The filter or sometime refer to as the cartridge is where the nicotine and flavor is located. The atomizer part help creates the fake smoke that helps the smoker enjoy the taste and feel of real smoke. It is so close to smoking a real cigarette that if someone is trying to quit it will make the switch easier. You can control the amount of nicotine and eventually stop using nicotine.
For those who have tried quitting before, you may have experienced symptoms of depression and body shakes. But not with the electronic cigarette. Your body doesn’t have to go through the shock of being deprived of nicotine. To most, cigarettes have a distinct flavor that soothes the palate of a smoker’s mouth. You can enjoy the same flavor with an electronic cigarette.
Many will take the risk of smoking a cigarette because of the soothing effects it can give. An electronic cigarette can provide that pleasure but without the dangerous side effects. Once you try the electronic cigarette, you may get hooked.