Trust is something everyone wishes that others had in them, but most do not have the benefit of trust from most people, and most of the time it is for good reason. The attributes of a person that has the trust of many are few, but solid morals is a key, because morals is what creates character attributes, and they ultimately lead to actions. Some would like to believe that there are no absolute truths, but nature itself teaches us that there are absolute truths and they should be considered heavily to understand trust.
Apple trees will always produce apples, pear trees will always produce pears, dogs will produce dogs and cats will produce cats. The same is true with personal beliefs, if put into action and practiced. Life is full of hard decisions, and you cannot make good decisions that build trust without having a basic set of morals that is acceptable in the society that you currently live in.
So, what is trust anyway? One of the most used definitions is as follows. reliance: certainty based on past experience. This definition covers the majority of occurrences of the use of the word “trust” and leads one to consider that real trust is something that is built based on what or how someone responds to certain situations.
If you are out on the town with a friend and you are attacked by a criminal and your friend panics and runs, leaving you trapped alone in the hands of a potentially violent criminal while you have a wounded foot and cannot flee with them, if you survived, would you even go out on the town alone with that friend again?
Now, reverse that situation, and let’s imagine that your friend stuck it out with you, you would surely have certainty based on past experience, as the definition stated. Now, with tough decision being made over and over by your friend and they do the right thing over and over again, your trust in that person would grow to great heights.
Building trust is based on experience, and that takes a while for the most part, but the benefits are worth the effort and wait when you find someone with the morals and character to stand up and do what is right. The flip side is that you must walk the same walk if you wish for others to have the same trust and certainty in your character and morals.
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