A starter kit can put you on your way to experiencing this new and exciting way to smoke. You can found several online stores that offer starter kits and 30-day money back guarantees. If you have been hearing about them and have been curious to see what the buzz is about, you can with a starter kit. Most kits cost from $49.99 to $79.99 and they contain the atomizer, two batteries, battery charger, five cartridges with various levels of nicotine, and cartridge holders. They also contain a user’s manual with complete instructions and tips on how to use the device. Some companies offer 24-hour online support so if you experience any problems with your new kit they are there to help you. The kits contain some compact cigarettes that are about 10cm and others are little longer.
These e cigarette kits are attractively packaged and their cartridges are equivalent to 15-20 regular cigarettes. You can do the math. It is cost-effective and you can still enjoy smoking but in a new way. Electronic cigarettes produce little smoke and it is not like tobacco smoke at all. It is vaporized water and the smoker will take inhaled doses of nicotine. The smoker still gets his nicotine and can also choose how much or how little nicotine he wants. America is really becoming more concerned about the planet and finding ways to become “green”. This device produces no second-hand smoke, no waste, and no ashes. It is environment-friendly.
It is a long tube that looks like a regular cigarette and there are some that matches the color of a regular cigarette. The white long part of a regular cigarette is actually the battery of the electronic device. The butt is the cartridge that holds flavor and nicotine. Inside there is an atomizer or heating element that heats the flavoring that creates vaporized smoke. The smoke is held in the heating chamber until the smoker takes a puff of the mouthpiece. The smoker inhales doses of flavor and nicotine. The smoke is visible but it disappears quickly and does not distract or offend others.
Even though the electronic cigarette was first used in China, America has found that it is the smarter and cleaner way to smoke. It is legal to use in areas that smoking has been banned. In fact, you might have seen someone smoking one and didn’t know it wasn’t a regular cigarette.