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It Really Is Not Difficult To Become Clairvoyant

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By : Madeleine Cole    29 or more times read
Submitted 2009-10-29 10:23:34
Do you think you have clairvoyant talents, or do you think you can develop them if you don't think you have them right now? In fact, you can develop them, but first you need to understand what they are. What does it mean, in fact, to be clairvoyant? Clairvoyance is one of the most interesting paranormal skills to have, and it's a lively topic of discussion, too. Talk shows often include guests were clairvoyant and who have often been able to look into the audience and diagnose illness, do some crime solving, or even tell an audience member how many children he or she will have in the future.

Most 'experts' say that to be clairvoyant, you must possess a sense the rest of us do not have or that we have at least not developed. If one is clairvoyant, it is assumed that he gives you access to greater knowledge, a window into the future or the past -- or both, and in some cases the ability to 'hear' or see' events before they've even happened. You may be able to look into the past and see what happened previously, too.

Clairvoyance works because those who have the power have learned to connect with the universe on a more spiritual level instead of a logical level. By opening up their minds and their spirit, the world around them becomes clearer, allowing them to see on a deeper level than we do not perceive.

If you'd like to become clairvoyant yourself, you indeed can do this if you truly wish to. It's not always clear what it's going to take you 'make' you access your clairvoyant talents, but for some people, it may be a near death experience. In all cases, it's some sort of deep awakening, perhaps spiritual, that allows them to tap into this particular skill. Or, you can do it in a more roundabout (but arguably easier) way by practicing until you can access your clairvoyant skills.

To begin, access your own clairvoyant skills as they exist now. How developed are they? In fact, everyone is born with at least some of this talent, but as we grow into adulthood, we learn to 'squelch' this talent because it's not particularly valued by society. Most children have these perceptions and abilities when they're young, but are told to 'grow up' and 'stop imagining things' as they get older, which naturally puts the kibosh on this most natural and valuable talent. And that means that as most of us grow into adulthood, our childhood talents in clairvoyants and other similar skills fall away as we learn to ignore them.

If you want to reclaim your clairvoyant powers as they exist inside you, meditation can help you increase self-awareness and let you access these thoughts freely. Meditation also allows you to let daily stresses and negative beliefs and thoughts fall away, so that once you've released them, you become clearer and do not let them reenter your life.

Instead, when you meditate, focus on clarifying your thoughts and letting the universe give you information about what can happen next. When you're working on this particular skill, don't try to force anything; you will see and hear things that you may or may not think are real. That's perfectly fine. The universe will know the information you need and will let it come your way. Embrace this information and learn from it. When you're just starting out come your going to see things like images that are rather nebulous, or you may hear a voice speaking. You may see textures, colors, you may feel emotions, or you may have a very brief vision of something that's unfolding but not quite know what it is.

As you learn to trust your clairvoyant instincts and you become more secure in what you see, feel, hear, etc. as you meditate, this information, these visions and sounds that come to you will become sharper, clearer, and give you a better understanding of what's going on. You're what, too, can be a great tool that can help you explore your spiritual connection to the universe, and you can also expand your knowledge of the symbols and signs often found in clairvoyant pursuits by reading books, articles and other information on clairvoyance.

As you become clairvoyant, tarot cards, palm readings, interpreting dreams and learning to scry for meaning, can help you better make sense of what you see and hear. Talking to other clairvoyants is also useful at seeing how far your talent could grow.

Clairvoyant individuals have released the negatives from their life. To do this you might need to take a deeper look at your home, work, family and other environments and do some tweaking. If objects in your home cause a bad vibe or shudder to run through your body, then cleansing the aura of your home might be necessary to release any lingering negative emotions that are hanging around. The same with an office coworker who gives you chills or if you sense anger coming from a relative.

Aura cleansings don't harm people; they simply purge negative or stagnant energies where they need to be purged. To keep cleansings' results steady, you can also keep a crystal in your home or imagine yourself covered in white light whenever you sense negative energy; this can help you purge negative energies whenever they occur and can help you refocus, too. Keeping your chakras cleansed, too, can help you resist negative energy whenever it might arise.

Remember to be clairvoyant you have to believe in yourself, so if you have low self esteem or doubt your own abilities you will never fully develop. Learn to practice daily affirmations and learn to listen to your internal cues to trust in yourself.

When you develop your clairvoyant powers, you'll see that you have a lot of resources available to you that you didn't know about before. Sometimes, famous clairvoyants can become famous themselves; they can author books on clairvoyance, they can do celebrity readings, or they can make television appearances.

Author Resource:

The author Madeleine Cole writes for the popular site. Discover for yourself how easy it is to become clairvoyant . Discover previously undisclosed information. Anyone really can learn how to become clairvoyant when you visit here to receive twenty nine free develop clairvoyance audios and videos!

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