Credit score restore companies will cost you a lot for a service you would simply do yourself. Generally they charge upwards of $1000. There doing very little to nothing most of the work is done in in the future and so they wait about 30 days to listen to from the Credit score Bureaus. More often than not they're simply disputing issues on your credit score report. Which the web has made it very simple to do yourself. You do not even need to send a letter.
I recommend you dispute each adverse factor on your credit score report even if you owe on the debt. The companies should verify you owe on the debt. They have 30 days and alot of the time they wont verify it in time or they do not even feel like its value messing with. Especially small payments corresponding to $100 or less. These small quantities in your credit score report can severely damage your credit. Having one thing taken off of you credit can shot your score up high.
The longer its been on your credit the extra points you will gain by getting it removed. When there is a dangerous mark on your credit every month it lowers your score. So while you get something removed it is as if it never existed. So the whole time your credit score was going down because of the bad debt it was decreasing your rating however as quickly as it was removed all of the factors you misplaced are gained back.
Bear in mind a very good credit score does not imply you're good at managing cash it just means your good a borrowing and paying back and that is what the banks look for. So dispute the whole lot and wait chances are you'll be surprised if some of the objects get removed. If there are still some dangerous marks do the same process all over again. Each month does this until your credit score report is clean.
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