Video has become such a large part of websites today, many sites are even dominated by video. As the number of broadband users increases, the level of video usage will rise as well. Video search engine optimization will greatly increase traffic to websites. The following tips will help with video search optimization.
Many search engines of today aren't able to tell what a video entails, instead, it relies on what is on the page itself. For example, there may be a video on underwater basket weaving that has everything there is to know about the hobby, but, the search engine is unable to put this video version at the top of the list. The simple reason for this being; it can't tell what the video content is all about.
There are three main video optimization situations; sites that upload videos, search engines that will crawl a site to find a video, and MRSS or RSS feed accepted sites.
RSS or MRSS Feed Accepted - Third party sites are usually the receivers of this form of feed. For optimization on this type of site, entering a title, full transcript, category, keyword, description, or a thumbnail would be recommended.
Search Engines That Will Crawl a Site for Videos - These search engines are looking for specific tags or keywords in the title, description, summary, or somewhere on the page. Keeping a video file in a single directory will enable a crawler to find these files easier. Avoiding flash video players will be beneficial as well, since flash players are still not friendly to search engines.
Crawlers - This type of search engine uses tags or keywords found in a title, summary, description, or anywhere on the page. Placing a video file in a single directory enables crawler sites to find the files with ease. Avoid using flash video players on videos, these aren't search engine friendly at the moment.
More tips on video optimization include:
1. Formulate the content that draws the viewers in2. Pick a format that is preferred by the visitors3. Give a title that is catchy to the vdieo4. Allow ratings to be made for your video5. In the text, include the word "video" frequently6. Make sure you keep the video at a good length7. In the URL, you should always use keywords8. Utilize thumbnails9. To indicate the videos origin, include a watermark10. Use keywords in the link text and make sure they are appropriate for the file11. Place the video in different places
Videos can either be placed on a company's site or on a shared hosting service. YouTube is considered a video sharing site, it has it's own search engine. The internal engine found here is usually limited to viewing videos on its own site, or on corporate sites which it shares. If someone decides to look at videos on a site other than YouTube, a different search engine will need to be used. Yahoo, Excite, and AOL are just a few sites with internal search engines of their own. It doesn't matter where the video is being hosted, applying the practice listed above will help you with video search engine optimization.
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