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Using Your Body To Strengthen Your Mind

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By : popoty fatlossfo    29 or more times read
Submitted 2010-05-10 04:40:48
For thousands of years, physical disciplines like yoga, Tai Chi and Sufi Dancing have been said to extend mental and non secular powers. If this is true, how might one make a case for this, and even higher, how will we have a tendency to use this reality, practically, to boost our lives as artists, business folks, oldsters, and partners?
First, we tend to must strip away the mysticism from the activity. Not that these activities don't have any esoteric aspect, however rather that we have a tendency to need to approach them on the most down-to-earth level. The upper the tree, the deeper the roots. The taller the building, the deeper the foundations. If you wish to soar, be bound that your tether is strong. Therefore we would like to start out with a straightforward, physiological rationalization (if attainable!) and then recommend a manner that this ties in to advanced inventive accomplishment, relationship skills, intellectual clarity, and religious growth.
My own enlightenment in this regard came from studying the work of Coach Scott Sonnon, the primary American martial artist to train in the former Soviet Union. Whereas there, this good man met Russian sports and performance scientists who had been studying indigenous health system within the Ural Mountains for a century. There, they found movement and wellness ideas appreciate something in China or India. They shared many of these concepts with Sonnon, and invited him to share them in flip with Americans. Over the years, Coach Sonnon has created tons of books, videos and essays on his interpretations of this core knowledge.
Maybe the one most significant in terms of Body-Mind is what he calls the “Flow State Performance Spiral.” In order to relate this breakthrough thinking in such a short essay, we’ll have to condense considerably:
one) All physical technique consists of three aspects: breathing, movement, and structure.
2) Every of these aspects is controlled by the opposite 2 (breath is formed by movement and structure, etc.)
three) Stress “dis-integrates” this structure. In different words, when you are below stress, the physiological signs will manifest in your respiratory rate or shallowness, your posture, your muscle tension. This is often why lie detectors work!
Before he died, Hans Selye, the creator of the “stress” concept, said that he had misspoken himself, that it is not stress that hurts us, it is strain. Stress is the pressure we tend to are under. But strain is that the degree to that that stress warps us out of true.
Stress isn't the enemy. In fact, when handled healthfully, it's the first trigger for growth. Thus the key is to avoid strain.
Let’s skip around a small amount to a truth concerning artistic and intellectual pursuits: your ability to utilize your intelligence, education, skills or abilities can be in direct proportion to your ability to take care of “flow” underneath stress. Or to put it another means, in life, we are rewarded for the way abundant stress we have a tendency to can handle without folding. Author’s block, as an example, is nothing however a poor reaction to performance stress.
Combining these ideas, what we tend to have is that mental and emotional balance underneath stress leads to excellence. Mix this with the actual fact that learning to cope with physical stress develops skills that are tremendously applicable to the mental arena. The most vulnerable portion of the “Flow State” triad (breath, movement, structure) is breathing. Proper respiration can be degraded by stress before you can detect it in posture or muscle tension. This can be one amongst the reasons breath control is addressed in most religions and spiritual disciplines, whether this is through pranayama (yoga), exercise, hymns, ritual prayers, dance, or sacred postures.
A sensible yoga teacher, as an example, will place the student during a posture sufficiently extreme to force total concentration. When the coed learns to relax and focus, that posture becomes relatively simple, and a more extreme posture is given. The purpose is to teach the scholar to observe their own internal process. Fine martial arts or respiration meditation academics use similar techniques.
The coed learns to acknowledge the first signs of strain, and to dissipate them. NOTHING in life creates additional stress than lack of oxygen, and learning to stay calm in the midst of oxygen debt can teach you to remain calm when the children are screaming, when your boss is on the rampage, when someone cuts you off on the freeway.
Or when you have got a piece of writing deadline, or when insecurity and fear hammers at the door of your resolve.
Deliberately practicing a physical discipline to enhance this quality of calmness and centeredness, whereas simultaneously working toward goals balanced in body, mind, and spirit, exposes you to the currents of life whereas serving to you develop the talents and strategies necessary to excel. This, over time, results in excellence, even during a purely mental arena.
There are many disciplines that will teach proper respiratory below stress, and this article has listed a few. If you would like to achieve your most potential as a mental, religious, and emotional being, request one of these techniques out, and integrate it into your life. It's one in every of the most effective investments you'll ever create in your future.

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Popoty has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Mind Body Spirit
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