If you wonder if it s worth paying for a good freelance writer for your article marketing, then this article will help you. I will discuss several ways how you can leverage a quality article and get more usage from it to generate targeted traffic.
Here are 5 advanced article marketing tips which you can use with every single article your freelance writer creates for you.
1. Article Directories
Place the article on your website first so that you own the original content in the search engines eyes. Then submit it to EzineArticles, which is the leader of all the article directories.
After your submission is approved, modify your article slightly (around 30 ) and submit it to other article directories using article distribution services such as iSnare or ThePhantomWriters.
You will get more value from the article written by your freelance writer as you are exposing this quality article to more websites.
2. Create a video
With the same article, create a short video with you reading the article. You can do this using free software such as CamStudio and OpenOffice s Impress. Just record yourself narrating the article on your desktop.
Once you ve created the video, submit it to a video distributing service such as TubeMogul. You will extra traffic from your videos. Sometimes, the videos give your website more traffic than the original article from your freelance writer.
3. Create a press release
If one particular ghostwritten article is very good, turn it into a press release and submit it to free press release distribution websites.
These will give you targeted traffic and it won t take much of your time since the article is written for you already.
4. Squidoo and Hubpages
These are 2 of the most popular social websites you can create for free online which the search engines favor.
Modify the article slightly and place it on both these sites. It will give you direct links to your website and you are exposing your quality article to more places.
With both of these websites, make sure you place a link to your main website and inform others that they are free to distribute your article as long as the resource box is kept intact.
5. Facebook Fan Page
Create a Facebook Fan Page and start to invite people to this group. In time you will have quite a crowd as word gets around.
In your Fan Page post one of your articles there on a regular basis so that your fans can see what new information you have.
Great thing about Facebook Fan Pages is that the followers of your fans, will see that they have joined your group and are reading your articles.
This has a viral effect and more people will join your Fan Page to read the articles. Therefore, more targeted traffic for you.
This is why it justifies paying more to hire a good freelance writer for your articles. You can leverage the articles by doing advanced article marketing to generate more targeted traffic and therefore increase sales.
Author Resource:
Hire a freelance writer for quality articles which you can leverage to generate targeted traffic at http://www.eliteghostwriters.com/services.html Download a report on how to build a profitable online business at http://www.eliteghostwriters.com/report.html - Alan Cheng, Elite Ghostwriters