One of the most common questions asked by first time cigar smokers concerns using a cigar lighter to actually get their smoke going. Lighting that cigar is certainly a necessity, but there's also an art to it. Successfully lighting a cigar requires several things, including patience, knowhow and the right tools. Those tools include a butane lighter, and a cigar cutter. It's important that you have high quality tools, as well.
The first thing you need to do is to remove about 1/8th of an inch from the cap of the cigar. To do this, place the cutter on the shoulder of the cap and cut. You will find that this really only applies to guillotine cutters, though, as the process is different with scissors or a punch. When the cap has been cut, you can start the actual lighting process. However, don't touch that flame to the cigar just yet. You need to warm it up first.
This process is called toasting and it helps ensure that the cigar will light evenly. Essentially, you are warming the tobacco with the flame of the lighter. It's important that you use a torch lighter for this, as they are fueled with butane. This fuel is odorless, colorless and tasteless, ensuring that there is no chemical transfer to your cigar, as there can be if you use a different type of fuel.
Keep turning the cigar throughout the lighting process. When the entire cigar has caught, inspect the end for any area that did not light properly. You may need to reapply the flame at this point. You can also breathe on the area to help it catch and stay lit.
Once the foot of the cigar is lit, take it out of your mouth. You'll need to visually inspect the cigar to make sure that the entire surface was lit. If you see areas that did not light, or are only smoldering, you'll need to relight the cigar once more. Just repeat the process above and you will have your cigar burning bright in no time. In just moments, you will be able to relax with that delightful flavor and aroma.
Author Resource:
Dave Sabot is the owner of specialty butane lighters store. With expert knowledge of cigar accessories, including zippo pipe lighters , Dave also authors a highly rated blog featuring cigar tips .