Learning golf is a trying time. But, a little research might give you hundreds of hints and tips on improving your game, however, lots of of these are more prospective to hinder your game. Have a look through these warning comments before changing your game after reading an internet lesson.
Round a year ago I was browsing the internet looking for golf videos to display on a web site. There are a lot on youtube that I might have chosen and I stumbled over a section of videos devoted to improving your game. What a waste of time most of these were! The foremost one that caught my eye was the promise that the hints included on the video would lengthen your drive length by a minimum of a hundred yards.
Doubtful, I played the video and sat there for 5 minutes watching the training. In short, the 'expert' golfer described the difficulty that makes golfing so hard - hitting a static ball. He said how much easier cricket and tennis are for the reason that we are hitting a moving ball.
Actually, yes it is a load simpler to hit these moving balls. But then the balls are stacks larger and the hitting implement a lot bigger. In the case of tennis, accuracy is not as important. Merely look how often a service is out instead of in and then scale that error up to hitting the ball 200+ yards. In cricket, there is a marvelous amount of distance, but not the pin point accuracy.
So what did this chap suggest doing to create your drive by 100 yards - guaranteed? Well, you can't roll the ball so instead, he stood 10 yards back from the ball and ran at the ball, striking the ball on the way past. Brilliant! Totally new and I cannot see it catching on for Pros on the tour. He claimed that the ball went further, but the video just showed him admiring the shot, which seemed to merely make it out of the screen.
This poor guy is not the merely daft piece of golf tuition that I have witnessed on the internet. Articles and videos are full of varying tips of what people think have worked for them. Like the golfer that recommends always lining up several inches behind the ball and swears that is what everybody should do. Or the player that created a video claiming that by rather than pivoting the hips he achieved a far better drive by moving his feet merely before impacting the ball.
These are all well and good and maybe they do only work for these people. But, how numerous tour Pros do you see with this daft traits? They all have very similar grips and swings. Yes, slight variations, but that is all.
If your golfing swing is suffering and you are not striking the ball as straight and far as you ought to, do not go for the quick fixes that you might find on the internet. Examine those tricks that go back to principles and develop a traditional swing. It is the conventional and most popular swing for a very good basis!
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Written by Keith Lunt of Eighteen-Hole Golf . If you want to read more golfing tips , call in!