Finding the right person to fill the sales management role could be a common quandary in most businesses. It can be particularly challenging when a decision is based strictly on sales territory performance without regard for the particular skill sets required to steer a sales force. Preferring the proper sales person to push to sales manager will become a difficult and risky decision..
It's an proven fact that totally different talent sets are needed to become a successful sales manager as compared to being a successful sales person. Selling is a profession that requires professionals. Managing a cluster of professionals with the sort of personalities needed to reach sales isn't any simple task. However, in my humble opinion, it is most likely the foremost necessary management position you'll hold in a company. Sales management holds the key to meeting company objectives. Effective sales management builds the platform for success. Sales people are not the simplest group in the corporate to manage. If they were they wouldn't be sales people. Selling isn't easy. It takes a special talent, self motivation, self discipline, a passion to succeed and the flexibility to simply accept rejection. The fact of true is simple. The majority of sales folks are not managed well.
Have your internal sales manager candidates take the "Sales Manager Quiz" to help you in the choice making process
Sales Management Leadership Quiz
The candidate ought to answer yes, no or generally to the subsequent questions. Calculate the score and then share the results for discussion with your interview team.
Yes Perpetually = two points No = zero points Generally = 1 purpose
Yes No S/T
__ __ __ I invariably communicate with clarity and people perceive me.
__ __ __ I continually get things done on time and live up to commitments.
__ __ __ Understand how my responsibilities relate to the massive picture.
__ __ __ Listen expertly to others, each subordinates and management.
__ __ __ Connect developments and spot patterns in floor and phone traffic.
__ __ __ Accept risk and take on difficult assignments.
__ __ __ Inspire excellence and commitment within the Designers.
__ __ __ Deep interest in individuals and exhibit sturdy social and interpersonal skills
__ __ __ I seek out coaching and mentoring opportunities with all my subordinates.
__ __ __ Target results, growth & profitability.
__ __ __ Hold myself and alternative people accountable.
If the candidate scored 20 or higher ---- sales management potential is high.
If the candidate scored fifteen - nineteen ----- sales management potential is medium to high but can use some development.
If the candidate scored twelve - 14 ---- the candidate desires personalised training, coaching and mentoring.
If the candidate scored but twelve ----- keep them focused on selling success and not on management.
If you do not have an interior candidate that scores a minimum of 15 or higher you need to recruit from outside the comapny.
Contemplate the following common mistakes and professional sales manager characteristics when interviewing your candidates.
Five Common Mistakes of Sales Management
1. Lack of Structure ---- Policies, procedures and also the culture that determines the behavior and success of the sales force. Together with:
o How accounts and territories are assigned
o Systems and procedure on walk in traffic
o Compensation & SPIFF design
o Confusing communication channel
2. Lack of Strategy ---- Effective documented sales growth strategy aligned with company initiatives.
o Lack of growth initiatives that embody penetration, new account and new product development
o Acceptance of status quo while not accountability
o Excessive compassion and complacency
3. Lack of Sales Effectiveness Process ---- Process is that the tendons and therefore the muscles that link structure and strategy together. Process includes:
o Targeting, goal setting and action designing
o Monthly territory performance discussions
o Sales scorecards
o Coaching & Mentoring
o Effective sales meetings
4. Lack of Formalized Training & Development System
o Standards and benchmarks for performance for each outside and inside sales
o Training Matrix with needed support
5. Wrong People ---- Per statistics but twenty five% of high performing sales personnel promoted to Sales Manager are successful. 55% of people earning a living in sales should be doing one thing else. twenty five% of individuals with the power to sell are selling the wrong things. (Herb Greenberg - How To Rent & Develop High Performers)
o Lack of formalized recruitment program
o Lack of bench strength
o Weak leadership skills
Characteristics of the Skilled Sales Manager
1. Highly Self Motivated
2. Optimistic
3. Excellent Leadership Skills
4. Skilled at Coaching & Mentoring
5. Calculated Risk Taker
6. Listens Well --- 80% of the Time
7. Plans Well
8. Ability to Assume Outside the Box As a result of
9. They Grasp What Goes on Within the Box
10. Continuously Lives Up to Their Commitments
11. Continually On Time With Assignments
12. Exceptional Positive Perspective
13. (Does Not Whine or Make Excuses)
14. Wonderful Communicator
15. Conjures up Excellence in Others
16. Sturdy Social and Interpersonal Skills
17. Commands a Presence
18. Honesty
19. Integrity
20. Develops Trust and Respect by Showing Trust
and Respect for Workers
21. Embraces Accountability -Self and Sales Personnel
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Howard has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Sales-Management, you can also check out his latest website about: