So, you've recently come out of a long term relationship and you've decided it's time to start anew. You're going to date! Congratulations! Have you thought about your strategy? Are you going to let your friends set you up with someone, are you going to dive into the bar scene, or perhaps you're considering internet dating?
Most people who come out of a long term relationship are not ready to start dating right away. They usually take some time away from dating to gather their thoughts. While taking a break, you might want to give some thought to how you're going to get back into the social scene.
If in fact you have made the decision to date keep reading for more tips;
1.Expand your horizons by going somewhere you've never gone before. No, I don't mean a vacation to a tropical island, although that would be nice too! I'm talking closer to home. Political rallies, networking events, free concerts; all offer an opportunity to meet other singles. The bonus is you'll already have something in common.
2. Despite what everyone says about blind dates, sometimes others really do know best. If a friend, family member or co-worker wants to set you up on a blind date, go for it! You just never know!
3. Faith draws people together. No matter what your faith, consider attending religious services. You'd be surprised at the number of single people there! Instead of just attending services, become an active participant by mentoring kids, or attending a study group.
4. Put your volunteer hat on and spend some time at the local food bank or other charitable organization. Given the economic times, the less fortunate are growing in numbers. You'll meet new people and feel good about doing so.
5. Join an internet dating site! They're hugely popular and if you join a free site, costs you nothing. Ask friends and family for recommendations of which site(s) to join. As always with internet dating, don't reveal too much about yourself online, and always meet your date in a public place.
6. Boost your confidence by joining friends or co-workers for an after work get together. The familiar faces will be comforting and your confidence will attract others. Sometimes you find love in the most unexpected places, even if you're not looking.
Though you may initially feel that getting back into the dating world is risky, it's a risk worth taking. Just because you've taken a few wrong turns on the road to love doesn't mean that the destination won't be worth it!
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